How to uninstall?


New Member
How do I do a complete uninstall of HWiNFO? The program doesn't show up in the uninstall programs menu in the control panel nor can I find its installation folder. Thanks.
If you used the installer version of HWiNFO, then it should appear in the Programs and Features list and offer a way to uninstall. So if you don't see it there, then you probably used the portable version which doesn't require any uninstalling - just delete the files and that's it.
Martin said:
If you used the installer version of HWiNFO, then it should appear in the Programs and Features list and offer a way to uninstall. So if you don't see it there, then you probably used the portable version which doesn't require any uninstalling - just delete the files and that's it.

Which files are you referring to? I can't find any files related to the program except for the installer which I use to open the program.

I have version 5.39-3015 installed, although I'm not sure whether it's the portable version or not. I vaguely remember clicking on "Download HWiNFO HWiNFO64 Beta" (the 2nd link on the download page) to get the installer.
If you have downloaded that package (ending with a ZIP), then it's not installed. Just delete that file.