HWiNFO v6.23-4090 Beta released


HWiNFO Author
Staff member
HWiNFO v6.23-4090 Beta available.

  • Improved power monitoring of EVGA iCX 20-series GPUs.
  • Added temperature monitoring of some legacy NVIDIA GPUs.
  • Enhanced sensor monitoring on EVGA SR-3 DARK.
  • Improved support of XGI Volari and SiS315/330 GPUs.
  • Added option to truncate values in tray icons.
  • Improved support of legacy systems with EISA bus.
  • Improved driver management.
I check driver update - OK!, new driver install w/o any messages. Process Hacker log show this events:

Process Hacker 3.0.2935
Windows NT 6.1 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)
15:55:09 21.02.2020

15:46:45 21.02.2020: Process terminated: HWiNFO64.EXE (4636); exit status 0x0
15:47:44 21.02.2020: Service deleted: HWiNFO150 (HWiNFO Kernel Driver)
15:50:36 21.02.2020: Process created: HWiNFO64.exe (8144) started by Far.exe (624)
15:50:42 21.02.2020: Service created: HWiNFO (HWiNFO Kernel Driver)
15:51:01 21.02.2020: Process terminated: HWiNFO64.exe (8144); exit status 0x0
15:51:47 21.02.2020: Process created: HWiNFO64.exe (6776) started by explorer.exe (3732)
15:51:48 21.02.2020: Service created: HWiNFO_150 (HWiNFO Kernel Driver (v150)

Big thanks! Driver installation problem is resolved, true, an old copy of the driver remains in the system. When uninstalling a driver or service, SCM only deletes their entries in the OS configuration files, but who is stopping me from manually commanding del /f /s /q %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\HWiNFO64A.sys ? :)
I check driver update - OK!, new driver install w/o any messages. Process Hacker log show this events:

Big thanks! Driver installation problem is resolved, true, an old copy of the driver remains in the system. When uninstalling a driver or service, SCM only deletes their entries in the OS configuration files, but who is stopping me from manually commanding del /f /s /q %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\HWiNFO64A.sys ? :)

Settings - Driver Management - Remove will remove all current and previous instances of HWiNFO drivers ;)

It’s even easier. It’s just that sometimes an earlier version may be required, then it’s not very useful for anyone who will have any tasks, but I’ll know about this new opportunity. Big thanks!
I've noted that on this beta portable zip there's no "HWiNFO64.INI" file, only for 32 bit.
Not sure if this intended?
I've noted that on this beta portable zip there's no "HWiNFO64.INI" file, only for 32 bit.
Not sure if this intended?

Yes, it is intentional. There's no need for a default INI file anymore as all default settings are automatically set by the application.
HWiNFO32 is shipped with INI only because it contains some (legacy) benchmark results.