i have the newest version and when i used to select summary it opened a big window with all kinds of system information like our AC-DC load line values....did this feature get removed?
well i have been using this program for years now and it always opened up with that big screen with all the info about my pc and internals now that's gone that's why I'm asking if it was removed because i have checked-unchecked every box and its not there anymore lol..this is all i get now.
well i don't see a way to disable it..... before all i did was check summary only and it would open now it doesn't...so is there a hidden setting now I'm unaware of?
ok what one is considered the welcome screen? the small box or the lager one? i have tried everything nothing works....are older versions available still so i can use it for what i need?
so, there is no confusion i found this online, so you know what I'm talking about. this is the main window i don't get anymore I'm asking you about is this feature got removed.....and yes i have both boxed unchecked and still dont get this window
ok that worked ty for helping me and being patient with me.... i love this program and needed that window because this program is the only program that shows us our IA AC-DC load line values.....i just applied the new BIOS for the intel default settings and wanted to make sure they were correct.....and they are....