Many users which has low system RAM try to play newest games and has performance/stuttering issue but see Windows using ~3gb of their physical RAM and dont know that system is written all excess of data in pagefile disk. While gaming system is reading a lot of pagefile data and causing the stuttering.
While i played GTA 5 with 4gb system ram, system was using 3.7gb RAM and written 1.3gb of data in pagefile and my dedicated pagefile drive was reading 100% of time. This pagefile usage caused massive stuttering. So i installed 8gb RAM, and the system only stored 100mb of data in pagefile after some time playing, and while gaming readings from pagefile disk was 0.
So when system write too much data to pagefile you know if more RAM is needed, when not many space of pagefile is used performance is not affected. Virtual memory commited give no clue to know if system is written data to pagefile disk or not. Most of time big memory commited is not being written data to pagefile disk and we dont see performance issues. When i use my 4gb GPU, system increase virtual memory commited a lot, like system RAM is at 6gb usage, virtual memory is at 11gb but pagefile real usage is below 100mb.
If this implementation is not a problem to you but want to avoid excess of information, maybe you can make this a hidden settings to thoose desire to see.