Persistent Driver not being Persistent - Always ask's for Admin Rights...!


New Member
Hi there,

Installed Version : 5.86-3480
Windows 10 1803

I have tried the following combinations,

- Update to 5.86.3480 from 5.74
- Uninstall 5.86.3480 > Restart > install > Driver Management > install Persistent Driver
close and open the hwinfo64 in standard user mode - but ask for admin rights....
Now I've created a shortcut to run it always in admin mode....

Please look into it and give a way by default to install driver permanently during installation itself......!
so that the application can start instantly without any admin rights password every time.....

Thanks in advance


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This is intentional behavior since v5.80, HWiNFO will always require Admin rights since then.
The pre-5.80 mode of operation allowed the HWiNFO driver to be accessed by non-Admin processes, which was a high security concern.
Martin said:
This is intentional behavior since v5.80, HWiNFO will always require Admin rights since then.
The pre-5.80 mode of operation allowed the HWiNFO driver to be accessed by non-Admin processes, which was a high security concern.

Thank you for your spontaneous Response.....

Thank you for this wonderful tool....

As I've mentioned in my post, even in 5.74 the persistent driver didn't be persistent, so as to run the tool in a standard user without admin rights.....

please guide me to achieve Persistent Driver Instillation in version prior to 5.8, i.e., 5.74...

Once again thanks for your replay....
I really don't recommend using versions prior to 5.80 due to the mentioned security risk. A malicious application (though there are no such known yet) could expose this vulnerability to access privileged resources.
Yes, even in you run older versions, they will request Admin rights, because HWiNFO was always configured to request elevation. But if you don't provide Admin rights on subsequent runs, it should be possible to run it.
Martin said:
I really don't recommend using versions prior to 5.80 due to the mentioned security risk. A malicious application (though there are no such known yet) could expose this vulnerability to access privileged resources.
Yes, even in you run older versions, they will request Admin rights, because HWiNFO was always configured to request elevation. But if you don't provide Admin rights on subsequent runs, it should be possible to run it.

Thank you martin, for the wonderful tool.....

As per your words I'll use the latest version....

but one request, if in any manner possible to install the driver permanently right from the installation prompt, please provide the same in the installation prompt itself. so as to access the tool without admin rights every time....

Thank you,
I'm sorry, this is not possible as mentioned before.
The security requirement is that only applications with Administrator elevation can access the driver now. And without access to the driver, HWiNFO won't be able to access the hardware. So, a mode without Admin rights would mean a heavily restricted HWiNFO without a significant portion of functions and capabilities.
Martin said:
I'm sorry, this is not possible as mentioned before.
The security requirement is that only applications with Administrator elevation can access the driver now. And without access to the driver, HWiNFO won't be able to access the hardware. So, a mode without Admin rights would mean a heavily restricted HWiNFO without a significant portion of functions and capabilities.

thank you for your effort....

one more thing....
Your involvement to respond to the queries posted in your form is outstanding.....

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