Remote monitoring stops with Pro license


I have 2 windows 10 pcs running HWinfo64 latest versions (updated recently in attempt to resolve this).
One is always up (except windows updates and such) and configured as the server and the other is turned on and off few times a day (mostly hibernation).
After some time the server is up (I'm guessing 12-hours by I haven't timed it), the metrics on the client would turn grey.
Remote center window shows both machines are successfully connected.
Only way to resolve this is to restart the program at the server.
This seems as if the 12-hour limit is still set somewhere (AFAIK it shouldn't apply to licensed instances).
Also previously HWinfo64 was running in portable mode on both pcs.
Thanks in advance
There should be no 12-hour limit in the Pro version. Make sure the licenses are properly applied on both systems.
Under "License management", personal license is active on both PCs.
How else can I verify the application of the license?
Then it should be OK, the problem might be elsewhere. When it happens check the remote machine, how sensors appear there.
By remote, do you mean the server machine? The server's instance always appears functional.
I just noticed the issue appears after the client instance wakes up from hibernation (which happens few times a day).
If client instance is restarted after the issue appears, the remote metrics just disappear (they were greyed out before). And again, now if the server instance is restarted, the server metrics just appear on the client instance.
When the problem happens and you do a disconnect (Remove connection) and Connect, will it work then?
And if you look at the server's HWiNFO window - do you see sensor values reported and updated?
Yes. The server application is working properly in all scenarios (and also reports it's connected to the remote client's ip)
I'm trying to reproduce this problem but can't get it into such state, it just works..
I tried this on another pc on the network and indeed it works as expected when return from hiberation.
I did notice the 3rd PC was also populating 'HWiNFO' column in "Remote Center" which the client's instance didn't. I thought it might be related to bad config I copied from older portable instance (the .ini file)
So I removed it and some of the program setting were reset but the hidden values were somehow kept as before.
Anyway now on connection the "HWiNFO" column is populated with the server's version but the issue still persist on waking from hibernation.
Maybe an uninstall will help.
Would a complete uninstall of HWINFO reset all the state or are there some persistent settings?
An uninstall probably won't help. Best would be to do a complete "Reset Preferences" in main settings of HWiNFO.