I attempted to use the sensor log file to monitor for a temperature problem that I thought that I was having.
Turning on the log and generating the log file worked as expected.
Importing the log file into Excel exposed a few content issues.
Upon inspecting the generated log file I encountered the following issues:
- The header line contains the senser names, as expected, for all logged sensor readings, but the data lines contained field values for the logged sensor readings AND contained empty fields for sensors for which I had display turned on and logging turned off. This inconsistent behavior between the header line and data lines causes issues in Excel when importing the CSV file. It makes it difficult to get the headers to line up with the correct data columns.
- Header line and data lines both contain values for two readings (Core 8[°C] and Core 8 Clock) that were neither being monitored, shown, nor logged.
The content of the header line versus the data lines needs to be made consistent. I prefer the current behavior of the header lines (no empty fields for sensors not being logged).
I have attached a zip file containing my system report, my settings, and a short sample log file.
Some high points:
- I am displaying more sensor readings than I am logging (i.e., most displayed sensor readings have logging turned off).
- I have Fixed Order turned off.
Turning on the log and generating the log file worked as expected.
Importing the log file into Excel exposed a few content issues.
Upon inspecting the generated log file I encountered the following issues:
- The header line contains the senser names, as expected, for all logged sensor readings, but the data lines contained field values for the logged sensor readings AND contained empty fields for sensors for which I had display turned on and logging turned off. This inconsistent behavior between the header line and data lines causes issues in Excel when importing the CSV file. It makes it difficult to get the headers to line up with the correct data columns.
- Header line and data lines both contain values for two readings (Core 8[°C] and Core 8 Clock) that were neither being monitored, shown, nor logged.
The content of the header line versus the data lines needs to be made consistent. I prefer the current behavior of the header lines (no empty fields for sensors not being logged).
I have attached a zip file containing my system report, my settings, and a short sample log file.
Some high points:
- I am displaying more sensor readings than I am logging (i.e., most displayed sensor readings have logging turned off).
- I have Fixed Order turned off.