Sensors Window Not Functioning V7.60


New Member
Hello, I'm new to this forum so forgive me if there is a better place to put this post. I googled this issue and the most recent post I found was from 2018. This app was awesome - when it worked. I recently uninstalled and reinstalled. I'm currently on version 7.60. This has been an issue for the last few months, and the main reason I stopped using this program. However, my pc has been having some issues as of late, and I would like to troubleshoot why; and there just aren't any programs like this one.

Problem: Upon starting the program it loads the main window (the one with the buttons for summary, save report, sensors, memory, about) it loads a bar graph for my CPU "Active Clock" and it loads the "System Summary" window. In the system tray I get readings for CPU and GPU temperatures. When I click "sensors" I get nothing. Nothing happens at all. No loading wheel, nothing. Resetting system preferences does nothing; and the problem persists, except now I don't have the temperature readings in my system tray.

I'm on Windows 11 running a 7800X3D and a 4090.
I can see that sensors are working normally. Is it possible that you have a multi-monitor system and the window might be opening on another monitor?
Disabling the "Validate Window Positions" option might help in such case.
I can see that sensors are working normally. Is it possible that you have a multi-monitor system and the window might be opening on another monitor?
Disabling the "Validate Window Positions" option might help in such case.
I do have a multi-monitor setup. Disabling that option and trying again nets the same result. Still not seeing the sensors window come up.
Try to just open the initial welcome screen - Settings - Reset Preferences. Then close HWiNFO and start again.