Several issues


New Member
I like your program, the whole idea is excellent, but I do have a few remarks.

1. Why only 1 global scan interval? Now my drives are doing a short read every 2 seconds, I can even hear one of it doing it outside my case. Unnecessary, it adds extra wear on the drive, hard drive streaming will be slightly interrupted every 2 sec and traditional hard drive temperatures never rise that fast. Many other tests will often not need that 2 sec interval either. Sure, I could raise the value, but that would also raise the value for the tests that do require a short interval.

2. Why can't I hide all non-monitored sensors with on click? It makes the sensor status screen easier to look at after all, how many people really want to see all the values presented and once a person takes the time to hide them manually, he risks to hit the Restore Original Order button by mistake one day, after which he has to go through the same tedious process again. There should at least be a confirmation window.

3. Why is data not saved when I make changes in the sensor status window? Do a test, change a value and leave the program by clicking the X in the top right corner: the data is not saved. It also happens in other areas. The only way for me to save it, is to press the large blue X in the bottom right corner, but that one closes the program.

4. This leads to the next question: why do you make it possible to close the program that easy? This is a monitoring program, some people will use it to protect their hardware. It's important that it ALWAYS runs, but in this case it's too easy to close it by mistake. A lot of monitor programs that I used, either turn the traditional Windows X into a "minimize to taskbar", ask for a confirmation or leave it up to the user how the X should function.

5. Why is there no documentation in the program? Here's an example, adding a value for alerting, in this case "Drive Warning", which can be either "yes" or "no", but the input field only expects a numeric value, since it pre-fills it with "0". I can enter yes or no, but the field is always 0 when I return.
Another example is the settings screen. TMP check, EC support, Evalute ACPI methods, Use HPET, SW SMI, etc....well you get the point, the majority will have no clue what you mean. Nobody expects a super detailed manual, but a least one sentence that describes in slightly more detail in a help file, so that we can do additional research ourselves if needed, would be very helpful.
1. A single scan interval makes the implementation simpler. Due to how HWiNFO internally works, it would require a lot of effort to change it to individual scan intervals per sensor. Also, there was no demand for such a feature.
Generally there's no reason to load the drive when asking it for health status parameters. If this is your case, it might be caused by the storage drivers. Intel RST drivers for example are known to cause several issues including heavy latencies when querying the drives, or BSODs. These drivers are a nightmare for me, since they change behavior from version to version, some versions work OK on some systems, then the next one causes issues. So if you're experiencing higher system load while the drive is scanned, I suggest that you try to upgrade/downgrade the storage drivers.

2. I have recently implemented drag-and-drop support in the main sensors window, so it's easier to reorder or hide the sensor items. But I agree there should be a confirmation, I never thought that it might be such an issue. Other option might be an easy way to backup/restore sensor settings (which I haven't yet implemented, but is on the top of my list).

3. This is by intention - only clicking the blue X saves settings. I thought this way it's more convenient, since sometimes users might do changes they don't want to save, so hitting the Esc or red X won't save it. Maybe it would be more convenient not to save settings only in case Esc is pressed to close the window.

4. This is a good idea, I will add it into my to-do list. I just didn't want HWiNFO to be too offensive ;)

5. As for the various settings, there's information given as tooltips when you hover the mouse over a particular setting. I believe that description is sufficient. And to answer why there's no comprehensive documentation available is simple - it would be too much effort to put that together and keep in sync with each version. Unfortunately my time is limited.

If you check the forums over here, you might notice that there is a lot of different requests and issues coming from users. You might also notice, that I answer as soon as possible and try to fix a problem, offer an alternate solution, or implement features per request. There's also a lot of requests coming straight via e-mails. You might also notice, that in many cases the reaction time is very fast. There is a lot of other tools (including paid ones), where you don't get a response at all, or solving a problem might take months. Also besides the features the user sees or interacts with, there's a very complex engine inside to support all different sorts of hardware and updating this is not visible to users in most cases. So I believe that I do listen to users and try to keep HWiNFO as good as possible. Unfortunately the day has only 24 hours and there's also life beyond coding HWiNFO ;) Anyway, now it's weekend and I do care about your post ;)