Still having trouble getting iCX sensors to show.

Martin said:
Looks good, finally :)
Is it reporting all well now?

Unfortunately no  :huh: Did the debug file indicate that I should be seeing the iCX sensors now? Still not there...
Well, yes.. The Debug File indicated that you should see them now. You don't see the iCX sensor (not even empty) ?
Ok apologies, they just showed up from within my admin account. Need to check in the standard user account again..
Note that HWiNFO doesn't support running without Admin rights anymore (this is a security requirement).
Edit: Ok I have them in the standard account also now.

**Ok here is the issue, they are only showing when the HWinFO windows is expanded out, not when it's shrinked to just one table...

The iCX sensors should appear after the GPU sensors but when the window has been reduced by one table they disappear..

That's really strange. Try to click "Restore Original Order" in sensor settings if that will solve it.
Martin said:
That's really strange. Try to click "Restore Original Order" in sensor settings if that will solve it.

That did it! Awesome so iCX sensors are working again, great job Martin!  :) What seemed to have been the issue?