Two Questions


New Member
1. Would like to know more about the warning when HWiNFO64 detects a sensor like the Asus EC that picks up VCCRING, OPT 1 thru OPT3 and DRAM. It was very interesting to be able to see these numbers and for the most part, they varied very little from what the BIOS reported .... I worked my way u from 42 Multi / 42 cache / 1600 to 42/42/2400 and then rinsed and repeated with 43, 44, 45, and 46 multis with VCCring never more than VIN but when I got to my final goal of 46/46/2400 I hadda get VCCring (1.41) to 0.025 above VID (1.385) to get stable.

Going back and working with 46/43/2400, I am able to get stable lower VCCIN numbers than I was before and am wondering if this Sensor thingie may be the contributor to those oddities.

2. When I get a call or e-mail asking for help OC'ing and start referring to levels in my BIOS of various settings and what they are called in other manufacturer's BIOSs I just wanna shake my head till my brain falls out..... yeah, age will do that to ya :) .... is there any compilation that lists the terms / abbreviations in HWiNFO with corresponding lines in the BIOS for major manufacturers ? I'd settle for Asus, MSI and Gigabyte .
1. I don't think that reading those sensors can cause such effects, but you can easily check that when disabling that sensor.
2. No, there's no such list. Each mainboard uses different values/assignments, so the total amount of values is quite huge. HWiNFO tries to report values similar to BIOS/manufacturer utilities.
Martin said:
2. No, there's no such list. Each mainboard uses different values/assignments, so the total amount of values is quite huge. HWiNFO tries to report values similar to BIOS/manufacturer utilities.

I think it would be useful to perhaps have a thread here where peeps could list what they have figured out. Be nice to be able to point peeps there every time someone posts:

"I can't find VCCIN in my BIOS ?"


"How to I read my Cache Voltage in HWiNFO ?"
JackNaylorPE said:
Martin said:
2. No, there's no such list. Each mainboard uses different values/assignments, so the total amount of values is quite huge. HWiNFO tries to report values similar to BIOS/manufacturer utilities.

I think it would be useful to perhaps have a thread here where peeps could list what they have figured out. Be nice to be able to point peeps there every time someone posts:

"I can't find VCCIN in my BIOS ?"


"How to I read my Cache Voltage in HWiNFO ?"

I agree, except there is one problem with that, each board manufacture may use different (and even incorrect) terminology for these parameters, so the information would be somewhat complicated and need a lot of sorting and maintenance. Plus you would need a base list of terms from the processor manufacture for each generation, since names and their meaning may and have changed over time.

Plus would you trust anyone posting what they think something is, when it might be wrong? The first BIOS version of my Z87/Haswell board had the CPU Input Voltage labeled as VCore! If the manufacture can't get it right...
Martin said:
"I can't find VCCIN in my BIOS ?"

Funny you should mention that. I found this thread because I cant find VCCIN in HWInfo. I may have accidentally disabled it from being monitored and displayed, or maybe it is under a different name. It's such a basic parameter I can't imagine it not being there.

My motherboard is an Asus Z97 Pro (WiFi ac).
mtnmasher said:
Funny you should mention that. I found this thread because I cant find VCCIN in HWInfo. I may have accidentally disabled it from being monitored and displayed, or maybe it is under a different name. It's such a basic parameter I can't imagine it not being there.

My motherboard is an Asus Z97 Pro (WiFi ac).

It should be there as the first voltage. If you don't see it, I need to check why. Please attach the HWiNFO Report File and a screenshot of the sensors window. A HWiNFO Debug File might be required as well.
I reordered the sensors to make them easier to read at a glance, and may have accidentally deleted the VCCIN sensor. The log is attached. I can't seem to get the screenshot to upload.



Check the sensor settings -> Layout if you think you might have hidden that value.
If it's still not there, I will need the files I mentioned before - you can pack them before attaching, or send to me via e-mail.
Martin said:
mtnmasher said:
Funny you should mention that. I found this thread because I cant find VCCIN in HWInfo. I may have accidentally disabled it from being monitored and displayed, or maybe it is under a different name. It's such a basic parameter I can't imagine it not being there.

My motherboard is an Asus Z97 Pro (WiFi ac).

It should be there as the first voltage. If you don't see it, I need to check why. Please attach the HWiNFO Report File and a screenshot of the sensors window. A HWiNFO Debug File might be required as well.

OMG, it was right in front of me and I didn't see it. Sorry if I threw you for a loop.

BTW. it is awesome to have the author of the program jump in so fast when a problem comes up.
