Hi, I have a 9900kf and a z390 Aorus Pro.
I see there are 2 entries for Vr Loop 1 and I am unsure as to which one is the correct temperature to go. I am also unsure the difference between Vr Loop and Vrm Mos because I thought Vrm and Mosfets were the same thing, however the VRM MOS sensor is always a chilly 32-40c, now I am a little confused. Leaning more towards the one above VrVout because it matches the VR VCC Temperature, if this is true it be a little upsetting because this temp hits 61-64c when gaming and I thought the VRMs on this board were supposed to be better than that.
Sorry if these questions are a little dumb. Thank you for your time.
I see there are 2 entries for Vr Loop 1 and I am unsure as to which one is the correct temperature to go. I am also unsure the difference between Vr Loop and Vrm Mos because I thought Vrm and Mosfets were the same thing, however the VRM MOS sensor is always a chilly 32-40c, now I am a little confused. Leaning more towards the one above VrVout because it matches the VR VCC Temperature, if this is true it be a little upsetting because this temp hits 61-64c when gaming and I thought the VRMs on this board were supposed to be better than that.
Sorry if these questions are a little dumb. Thank you for your time.