Yesterday I installed the new version of windows 10, the 1803 and when the program starts reading the sensors, approximately 70% of the time the screen remains frozen and I have to restart.
I have tried with the newest version (the beta) and with previous versions, always the same problem, this does not happen to me in the previous version of windows 1709, with this version it works perfectly.
Do you know if I could solve it in some way so that it runs with version 1803?
Excuse my bad english.
Greetings guys!
Yesterday I installed the new version of windows 10, the 1803 and when the program starts reading the sensors, approximately 70% of the time the screen remains frozen and I have to restart.
I have tried with the newest version (the beta) and with previous versions, always the same problem, this does not happen to me in the previous version of windows 1709, with this version it works perfectly.
Do you know if I could solve it in some way so that it runs with version 1803?
Excuse my bad english.
Greetings guys!