Settings Help


New Member
Just upgraded to the latest version. Had previous version running for a couple of years.
Had it setup to run at start-up with icon showing in the start area and only display CPU temperatures there.
Now can't accomplish either - have auto-start selected - what am I doing wrong??
Try to upgrade to the latest Beta version 8.01. Here more details:
Thanks for the help -uninstalled all versions - down loaded the Beta.
Does auto start - shows in the Task Bar with the main screen showing.
Task Manager does not show it in Start-Up
If I minimize it goes to the Start Area
Do not want to have the main screen show up and have to minimize it.
Previously had it in Start-Up with CPU Temp showing - is there anyway to accomplish this?? Thanks
OK - have it in the Start Area without having to minimize - can't figure out how to have CPU temperature show
Current settings
Did some experimenting - brought up the sensor window - right clicked on the CPU temps and selected "add to tray" minimized the sensor window and looked good. However on reboot had to
do it again. Changed settings to show sensors on start-up - minimized sensor window and was OK.
Any thoughts on how to automate the process to avoid the extra step??
Thanks again