32-bit on WinXP SP3 crashes on PCI Bus Detection


New Member
I recently upgraded to version 5.04 on two computers using WinXP SP3. One home, one pro. Each of them crashed during "PCI Bus detection". (Only the HWInfo32 process crashed - no BSoD or anything like that.)

The two computers have little in common build-wise. One is an old ultraportable laptop with a lowly Yonah Pentium M 713, and the other's got a Kentsfield Core2 Quad Q6700. Neither system was on load or anything.

The debug files are attached - hopefully it'll tell us something...?


Martin said:
Please upgrade to the latest HWiNFO Beta v5.05-2633, that will fix the problem.

Yup, seems to work fine on the desktop. Laptop will try later. Thanks for the quick fix.