File viewer


New user figuring out what log file viewer to use. My saved logs are .csv. Open office shows unusable date structure. Thanks!

Wow! I download Generic Log Viewer to troubleshoot my intermittent black screen issues from a hwinfo log file I had running during last occurrence.

First time I run Generic Log viewer .exe it temp black screens my monitor then recovers. I click off X box to resart.

Second time I run it black screens my monitor for so long computer re-boots... Ironically I am unable to use Generic Log Viewer without crashing my PC...

It never crashed before just very intermittent black screens and auto recovers without shut down.
Hard to imagine how an application could cause such a black screen... This must be triggering some other issue in the system, might be some problem with GPU drivers.
Hard to imagine how an application could cause such a black screen... This must be triggering some other issue in the system, might be some problem with GPU drivers.

I've been troubleshooting a minor intermittent black screen issue and completed many troubleshooting steps including DDU and latest nvidia drivers. So yes I don't know what to make of this other than I won't run Generic Log Viewer it's the first time I was genuinely concerned due to how hard it crashed.
Hard to imagine how an application could cause such a black screen... This must be triggering some other issue in the system, might be some problem with GPU drivers.

This is the fault that is correlated to my past intermittent black screens however every time before it was minor, unexpected, and auto recover.

Event 4101

Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

When running Generic Log Viewer the same fault happened. The first two times I started and closed GLV (just to see if it would stop black screening) it blacked out and auto recovered.

Warning 12/14/2020 8:45:52 AM Display 4101 None
Warning 12/14/2020 8:46:11 AM Display 4101 None

The third time I ran GLV the fault happened consecutively enough for crash and re-boot as shown below:

Warning 12/14/2020 8:49:36 AM Display 4101 None
Warning 12/14/2020 8:49:27 AM Display 4101 None
Warning 12/14/2020 8:49:17 AM Display 4101 None
Warning 12/14/2020 8:49:09 AM Display 4101 None

So what is interesting is that GLV definitely reproduces sufficient conditions for both recoverable and unrecoverable 4101 nvlddmkm

I know you say it's hard to imagine but any additional information with this more detailed information would be appreciated!

I am pretty familiar with nvlddmkm causes being varied across hardware, settings, drivers, etc..

But how did I get so "lucky" in that I can now reproduce the issue EVERY time I start GLV?

Did you try Generic Log Viewer in Windows Safe Mode? It should work there. Although the monitor uses a much lower resolution there, this at least allows you to further examine the issue at hand.

Did you try Generic Log Viewer in Windows Safe Mode? It should work there. Although the monitor uses a much lower resolution there, this at least allows you to further examine the issue at hand.

No I have not.

I am still trying to digest why GLV provides sufficient conditions to black and crash when before the conditions were intermittent, minor, and recoverable.

I believe someone here knowing the roots of GLV and how it installs might be able to pinpoint more accurately from knowledge and experience.

Edit: I am also new enough that I do not know how booting safe and troubleshooting would help.
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The conditions triggering this issue might be very complex and since this is clearly a fault in the NVIDIA GPU drivers, I'd submit this to NVIDIA and let them debug it.
The conditions triggering this issue might be very complex and since this is clearly a fault in the NVIDIA GPU drivers, I'd submit this to NVIDIA and let them debug it.

I'm curious how can you tell it is clearly a fault in the NVIDIA GPU drivers?

My CRU settings defaulted back to normal taking away my "patch."

With CRU patch reset per this link I can run Generic Log Viewer without crashing.

I believe someone here knowing the roots of GLV and how it installs might be able to pinpoint more accurately from knowledge and experience.
Hi @Epic753,

I think that's me, the developer of GLV ;). I noticed you have already identified the root problem, I only want to clarify that there is nothing special/tricky with the GLV. All used stuff/libraries of GLV are developed by Microsoft Corporation:
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2019

  • Technology: WPF = Windows Presentation Foundation
    is a free and open-source graphical subsystem (similar to WinForms) originally developed by Microsoft for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications

  • Library for graphs: Data Visualization Toolkit
    is also developed by Microsoft
... and last but not least: the C# code itself is written by following "standard coding styles", like MVVM design pattern, tested with > 250 unit-tests, etc.

Regards Tom
Hi @Epic753,

I think that's me, the developer of GLV ;). I noticed you have already identified the root problem, I only want to clarify that there is nothing special/tricky with the GLV. All used stuff/libraries of GLV are developed by Microsoft Corporation:
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2019

  • Technology: WPF = Windows Presentation Foundation
    is a free and open-source graphical subsystem (similar to WinForms) originally developed by Microsoft for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications

  • Library for graphs: Data Visualization Toolkit
    is also developed by Microsoft
... and last but not least: the C# code itself is written by following "standard coding styles", like MVVM design pattern, tested with > 250 unit-tests, etc.

Regards Tom
Thanks! I appreciate the explanation.

I had barely scraped the surface on troubleshooting my brand new PC build with blanking screen and by sheer co-incidence opening Generic Log Viewer reliably reproduced sufficient conditions to cause the issue. Whereas all other occurrences were very intermittent.

Being new to troubleshooting I thought someone might have the exact answer to my issue since GLV though not the main cause, the implementation into Windows might help to isolate to the root cause.

From additional troubleshooting my fix will most likely be new monitor firmware, or new nvidia GPU drivers.

I'm studying all things PC and networking so seeing your explanation helps me understand more about the software side. (: