GPU sensor name changes when reboot


New Member
I am using the Aquasuite dashboard to monitor my computer and also have the Pro version of HWInfo64 installed. When the dashboard loads after every shut down or reboot, the only sensor that does not work are the ones around GPU.

I noticed that when I reboot, the sensor name in HWInfo changes from something like "GPU Temperature" to "GPU Temperature (HW)" and sometimes not all the sensors show up in the sensor tab. This is probably why its showing as blank in Aquasuite since it is not finding the sensor name I set it to.

Is this a bug or do I need to lock this in the sensor or sensor name somewhere?

Thanks for the help!
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Such change happens only when GPU drivers are not working properly or some components might not be fully started after boot.
Try to add a startup delay for HWiNFO in Windows Task Scheduler.
Hi @Martin - Thanks for the feedback. Task Schedular has the trigger as "At log on" by default, should I change this to "At start up" as well?

It also looks like there is already a delay, set at 5 seconds. Should I make it longer?