Hi Zach, I've attached a snapshot with the settings and highlighted bits that you requested and I watched that video, it was all way over my head - there's a lot of concept/things that I would need to understand first before getting my head around what's there but it's still great content. However, it did make me think do I really need PBOs and curve optimizers just to browse the internet and have a stable system out of the box? It seems grossly unnecessary, I mean why is this stuff even needed out of the box in the first place? Why do I need to control all these things when there was stability in previous less powerful builds? It doesn't make sense, in fact I would argue there is far too many options or 'whistles and bells'/software 'tweaks' in nearly all hardware now and whether they're actually needed/necessary is highly debatable, I mean we got by just fine with one bios page 10-15 years ago but now we have 20 pages and I've never had so many problems, same with hardware - now CPU's/PSU/Fans/Peripherals/GPUs/Monitors all have massive amounts of software to go with them and I'm not even talking about drivers. For me I think it all just adds up to increasing the potential for conflict for the sake of nothing more than marketing ploys. Take my GPU for example I went through every option in my software package (Andrenalin), literally pages of options that apparently do this and do that and I even watched the official video explaining what the technological marvel tweaks apparently did and it all sounded spectacular yet when I clicked each box most of it did nothing. In fact I could say with absolute certainty that I either got slight stuttering and no rubber-banding or no stuttering and rubber banding so yes it all sounds ground breaking and something you need but the reality, for me anyway, is that's it's largely junk and completely unneeded. Sorry for venting but when I think of the money I've spent and my old computer was smoother and much more stable and this isn't just with my current build but a trend over a long period that increased as I spent more (apparently upgrading). Bottom line is I now have the latest and fastest things - keyboard, PSU, monitor, mobo, mouse, cpu, etc etc and yet I get slight input lag in both windows and games, my mouse feels 'floaty' at times like it's moving over glass and my temps jump through the roof by merely opening a webpage? £3500+ spent? Doesn't seem right at all.
Depressed rant aside I really appreciate the on-going support and help, it's been amazing, thanks.

Depressed rant aside I really appreciate the on-going support and help, it's been amazing, thanks.