Hi Martin.
For some time now I have had a high voltage, around 1.25 - 1.30 volts, when I use HWinfo64. And that's only when I'm on the desktop. In addition, my 13900K no longer clocks down, sometimes it clocks up to 5.8 GHZ. Utilization is usually less than 1%. All of this on the desktop too. I still use AquaSuite and have removed the sensors from HWinfo64, no change. For testing purposes I tested it with Aida64 Extreme. If I use this, the CPU clocks down and the voltage goes down. What could that be about?
Greetings and thank you in advance.
For some time now I have had a high voltage, around 1.25 - 1.30 volts, when I use HWinfo64. And that's only when I'm on the desktop. In addition, my 13900K no longer clocks down, sometimes it clocks up to 5.8 GHZ. Utilization is usually less than 1%. All of this on the desktop too. I still use AquaSuite and have removed the sensors from HWinfo64, no change. For testing purposes I tested it with Aida64 Extreme. If I use this, the CPU clocks down and the voltage goes down. What could that be about?
Greetings and thank you in advance.