hwinfo not giving accurate reading in sensor about the motherboard and cpu volt


everytime i start the pc, i always see these values and i came to notice this when i was playing a game with RTSS on to see keep eye on my temps etc.
just to find that the cpu was getting a 0.00 voltage, so i decided to check on hwinfo and when i opened it i found this.

the way to "solve it" so far has been to close hwinfo and reopen, then the readings are correct.

what could be causing this problem?
my system is ryzen 5600x, latest bios from gigabyte and using update chipset from amd website.
windows 10 pro 21h1


this is after closing and reopening the program.

This might be caused by running some other monitoring tools along with HWiNFO. Are you running such?
This might be caused by running some other monitoring tools along with HWiNFO. Are you running such?
im using msi afterburner but has been using it since always and it didnt gave me a problem before.

im also using gigabyte rgb fusion 2.0 and asus crate for ram rgb controlling, since rgb fusion 2.0 doesnt read up mine.

update: also im using app center from gigabyte to control my case fans speed as well, but then again ive always used this software and never saw this bug before with it.
I think it's GIGABYTE RGB Fusion causing this, it has already been reported and discussed here. Try to run without it.