Live reading PL1 & 2


New Member
Hi Martin,

i saw a Thread in 2019 here, there was the same Question.
Is it not possible to read out the current data from PL1 and PL2? The correct values are only ever read when HWinfo is restarted and are then static. I change e.g. in Windows with Intel Extreme Tuning Utility PL1 and 2, HWinfo remains at the old value. Only when I close and reopen hwinfo does it show the correct values. I would therefore think that there could also be a correct live readout during operation and not just at program start.

Thank you very much in advance
There are 2 methods to change PL1/2 limits.
First one is rather static and these values remain constant all the time on almost all systems, unless changed by something like XTU which happens only rarely.
The other method uses dynamic adjusting of PL1/2 usually on notebooks.
HWiNFO constantly monitors only the second case. This is because the first one costs more system resources to constantly monitor a situation that's quite unlikely to happen.