Memory Row DIMM display


New Member
I am curious about Row: 1. It does not show a BANK/DIMM number.
All 32gb of memory is detected by the windows/linux and hwinfo64.

A2/B2 contains crucial memory and A1/B2 contain corsair memory.

The reason for the mixture is that crucial appears to have discontinued production of their ballistix brand of memory.

Thank you


  • hwinfo64 memory dimm display.jpg
    hwinfo64 memory dimm display.jpg
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That might be when the DIMM doesn't have a serial number so HWiNFO cannot match its exact location in system.
If you post the HWiNFO Debug File I will look into the details and see if this can be fixed.
Thanks. Yes, this is because of the mixup - 2 modules have serial numbers and 2 don't and HWiNFO is unable to determine the location in this case.