Minimize to taskbar


New Member
hwinfo64 doesn't minimize to taskbar. Instead it goes to tray, I don't want it to go to tray.

When I minimize I expect it to behave like other programs and minimize to the taskbar so I can bring it up again with a single click.

How can I minimize without tray?

If this is not possible, please add this behavior. Thanks.
But now when I close it, it doesn't close.

Also, that option doesn't do anything for the main system info program. It's not possible to have it minimized to taskbar.
I have these settings...


...and when I click the "X" it goes to tray
...and when I click the "-" it goes to taskbar (alternatively if you click HWiNFO on the task bar it does the same)


If you want to close it then right click tray icon and click quit

But I don't want it to go to tray no matter what.
When I press minimize, I expect it to go to the taskbar. When I press close, I expect it to close.
This is what I expect from both the sensors and the main system info thingy.