Missing DIMM temp data

Thanks. I think I have the required information now, will provide a test build shortly.
Hi Martin,

Yesterday I upgraded my memory modules, from 4 Micron 2666v to 8 Micron 3200AA (manually running in 2933MHz).
When running the latest HWiNFO, I noticed the "Mode" in memory modules is empty. Seen from other summaries, "Mode" should tell how many memory channels (Octal channels here).
So is this a bug? Here is the summary:


And the new report file and debug file:


Hello there! This is my my first post here. I registered because I have the same issue of the Dimm Temps (actually whole Dimm Chapter) is missing. Also in other Apps like OCCT or so..
My system is attached with screen of HWinfo


Well, we have seen cases with DIMM modules claiming a temperature sensor is present, but it didn't appear visible (i.e. here).
Nor sure why, perhaps it was disabled by BIOS?
Please attach the HWiNFO Debug File with sensor data and I will check if I can see something there.
I'm sorry but the attached Debug File is almost empty.
You need to start HWiNFO, open sensors, then close it completely before trying to grab the DBG file.
I'm sorry, but I don't recognize are visible DIMM thermal sensor there. Not sure if something disabled it or what happened.
You might try to verify with some other tool like AIDA64 if that will see it.
Yes it seems not to be a software problem, other Tools wont show it neither.. but what could it be then? Checked again, others with same ram (exact same) can read the temps

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I'm sorry, I don't know for sure. Try to check in the BIOS where there isn't some option that could be disabling this.