MSI Z690-A PRO DDR4 Voltage sensor bug


New Member
I have been using hwinfo for many years, and so far I have not found any bugs or problems, thanks for all the hard work. But since I changed the processor and motherboard (I did a clean installation of windows because i came from amd and now I'm with intel), I have noticed that when waking the computer from sleep, on rare occasions, the VBAT, VREFF, VTT, etc. sensors appear. With the value 0 as can be seen in the image. I have tried all the common troubleshooting steps like removing the persistent driver, cleaning temp files, redownloading the program etc. But i can not make them reappear.

Today it occurred to me to check if these sensors can be read by other tools such as Libre Hardware Monitor (available on github), it turns out that this one can. It's not just that it can read them, but while it's open, hwinfo also shows them, they appear out of nowhere if they're not there (as you can see in the photo that says "stock").

These is what I found to reproduce the bug:
Open HWiNFO, open Libre Hardware Monitor. Now if you close Libre Hardware Monitor and sleep the computer, when you wake it up the sensors that have appeared are set to 0 and do not work again until you restart the pc. If you dont close the monitor but do the sleep/awake cycle, the sensors keep working correctly. Finally if you close it but do not do the sleep/awake cycle they keep working.

I have created a report and a debug file with normal use and with Libre Hardware Monitor open in case something changes. For some reason the debug file with the monitor open is bigger and I had to upload it on a zip. I hope I have expressed myself well and that you understand the problem, If you need more information ask for it and i will try to do my best.​


I believe this is related to some bug in the BIOS that doesn't properly restore (reinitialize) the LPC/SIO hardware monitor state during waking up from sleep.
I also assume that Libre Hardware Monitor does somehow enable/reconfigure those sensors during runtime, hence they show up.
You could verify this when HWiNFO shows 0 for those values and then starting Libre Hardware Monitor and check if they appear back in HWiNFO.
Any reason why hwinfo does not show them when you reboot o cold boot the system? hibernation and fastboot is disable to avoid these kind of issues. I'll be back when the sensors show up again at random and verify if opening Libre Hardware Monitor solves it.
Also is this a bug that you can fix or is it on MSI?
I assume this is because HWiNFO doesn't enable sensors which are not enabled by default by the BIOS. But Libre Hardware Monitor might be doing this.