Need help with this Windows defender detection


New Member
Windows has blocked HWinfo from accessing a protected folder and I don't really know what this means, can somebody clarify for me why there's a detection here?

Additionally I'm running version v7.06, is it fine to run this version even if it's old or would that create security risks? It's working as intended but wanted to ask just in case. Thanks.

It's because HWiNFO accesses the drives at low level to gather health status like S.M.A.R.T. You will need to add an exception for HWiNFO if you want it to monitor your drives.
Version 7.06 is quite old and might not support some later hardware and technologies.
It's because HWiNFO accesses the drives at low level to gather health status like S.M.A.R.T. You will need to add an exception for HWiNFO if you want it to monitor your drives.
Version 7.06 is quite old and might not support some later hardware and technologies.
Thanks for the reply and I will update next time I get the chance