Remote Monitoring problem


New Member
I've this issue where I can monitor sensors one way, but not the other. I have both PC (where I want to check the sensors of the Server) and Server (where I want to "send" the sensor info to my PC) connected to the same LAN and I can remote monitor the PC sensors on my Server (which is the opposite of what I want to do) but not the way around.

When checking the "Server Role" in "Remote Center" on my PC and plugging in the IP of my Server it just says "Connecting..." and nothing happens. When checking it on my Server and plugging in the IP of my PC is works just fine and the sensors from my PC shows up in "Sensor Status" on my Server, as expected.

It just so weird... it's like the connection is blocked or something. But I don't have problems in other applications, no firewalls are running on either PC or Server and both PC and Server are running the exact same version of HWiNFO64.

I hope someone can help me out... thanks!
So, did this ever get resolved. I am having the same issue. I am wondering if it may have to do with some of the other Windows Security settings that are specific to apps and such.
In my case, it was working flawlessly but stopped working all of a sudden.

I have the same issue. A Windows 10 PC can be found by a HWINFO Server application as a Winsows Server 2016 PC is not connected by a HWINFO server running on a W10 PC. Defining Firewall rules for HWInfo64 TCP and UDP on both PCs did not help.
k, so the names used can be confusing.
The machine you are collecting data from (the client in most cases) is actually the server.
It didn't make sense to me at first; because you would think the one collecting the information would be the server (since it gathers) and the machines sending the data are clients.

So, make sure you have the right roles first.

Yes, I tried it both ways. The Windows Server is able to collect the data of the Windows Client. I switched the Settings of HWInfo apps the other way round. The main problem is that HWInfo called on the W10 PC is not able to establish a connection to the HWInfo called on the Windows Server2016 machine, independent of the HWInfo Server settings.
K, are both interfaces on both machines marked as private? I.E. not public networks.

The Win10 is part of a Microsoft domain network, the servers network is private as it is the host of several VMs which are the domain servers. And I try to control the hardware of this underlying host machine.
@Martin No, it is the free version. Does that make any differece?

@nero Of course group policies are used inside the domain mainly to change some user specific settings. Can you specify in more detail what kind of settings can make such problems? Especially as the server PC is "only" host of virtual machines and itself not a member of the domain and so it is itself not influenced by any group policies.
But I am assuming the machine doing the monitoring is on the domain? Domain Policies can interfere with communication between domain bound machines and non-domain machines. I am just trying to give you somewhere you can trouble shoot.

Try installing the monitor on a non-domain machine and see if it works. If it does, than something in the domain / policies are preventing you from connecting to the VM server.

Just a place you can look.

As for weather the free or Pro make a difference; I am not sure it does. But considering the pro version is very inexpensive; perhaps you should buy it. LOL :P

Anyway, are the machines on the same subnet or is the traffic traveling between different subnets?

@Martin No, it is the free version. Does that make any differece?

It makes a difference especially legal when you're running in a commercial environment (which I believe you do due to a presence of a domain). Have you seen the license terms?
Also, additionally - Remote Sensor Monitoring is based on Shared Memory interface which is limited to 12-hours in the free (non-Pro) version.
@Martin It is not commercial, it is an educational environment where the students try to find out which are usefull analysis methodes and which are not.

@nero Thanks for the hint. As I suspect most policies are default in this enfironment. We will test the communication with a non domain monitoring PC in the next days and I will report the results. The experiment is running on one and the same subnet. The surprise was that in the one direction it worked well and in the other it did not work at all (see above).
@Martin Can you specify what you mean with "enabled in your network" ?

While we were testing we created Firewall rules specific for the HWInfo to enable all ports for TCP and UDP both ways and on both machines. This did not help.
I meant not blocked, but it looks like this is not the case. I'm running out of ideas I'm afraid :(
@Martin: I have checked it again. There is no rule at all to block 27007. Is 27007 the port for the connection? If so should I see any special communication with WireShark?
I remember one difference between the to operating systems. When I first started the HWInfo's Remote Center dialog on the win10 the Firewall asked me to open all ports for further communication. On the WinServer2016 this did not happen and I created the Firewall rules manually.