Thanks im not on that pc atm as im upstairs
so will test later and report back
I had something interesting turn up just now that you may or may not be interested in
Its an AXE Speedy+ 1TB USB Stick which is a turnkey Phison USB drive (made by phison and sold badged to oem's)
I have older models of this AXE Speedy 128GB x 2 & AXE Superb 128GB x 1
with the older gen id as Model: USB DISK 3.0 PMAPPMAP1234
the one that arrived today was Model: USB DISK 3.2 PMAPPMAP1234
Drive Firmware Revision: UHFM00.5
AXE Speedy & AXE Superb
Model: USB DISK 3.0 PMAPPMAP1234
Size : 118409 MB
Controller : PS2308 (from firmware) (PS2251-08)
Bank00: 0x98,0x3c,0x98,0xb3,0x76,0xe3,0x8,0x1e - Toshiba 96L BiCS4 TLC 16k 256Gb/CE 256Gb/die 2Plane/die
AXE Speedy+
Model: USB DISK 3.2 PMAPPMAP1234
Size : 953869 MB
Controller : PS5017 (from firmware) (PS2251-17 Phison U17)
Bank00: 0xad,0x89,0x29,0x53,0x0,0xb0,0x0,0x0 - Hynix 3dv6-128L TLC 16k 2048Gb/CE 1024Gb/die
The older AXE Speedy & AXE Superb which use the Phison PS2308 Controller support trim which is neat
The AXE Speedy+ which use the Phison PS5017
support uasp + trim + the nvme feature set so you can nvme se it pull smart data nand writes temp etc
HWiNFO64 pulls the data just fine