Sapphire R9 Fury - missing/incorrect sensor reading


Well-Known Member

I noticed that HWINFO doesn't detect the voltage sensor and the GPU fan speed is bugged on the Sapphire card.

The voltage sensor is being detected by GPU-Z (VDDC) but the fan reading is also buggy. I guess it's because Sapphire set the fans to stop bellow a certain temperature - HWINFO shows the last captured RPM when this happens not 0 RPM like with other cards/fans.

I uploaded two GPU register dumps: one with 28% Fan (around 760 RPM) and one with 0%.


RE: Sapphire R9 Fury sensor readings.

Thanks, but I'll need the HWiNFO Debug File or at least the AIDA64 Video Debug - ATI SMBus Dump output. Does AIDA64 report the actual VDDC ?
Ok, I attached the HWINFO64.DBG to the first post - I alsi changed the fan speed during the debug mode.

No, in AIDA is also missing, only GPU-Z shows.


------[ Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.10240.16463 (64-bit) ]------

------[ Video Adapters ]------

Sapphire Radeon R9 Fury [1002-7300 / 174B-E329]

------[ Video Driver ]------

aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||
aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||
aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||
aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||
aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||
aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||aticfx64|||||amdxc64|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||aticfx32|||||amdxc32|||||atiumd64|||||atidxx64|||||atidxx64|||||atiumdag|| - AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL|||atidxx32|||||atidxx32|||||atiumdva|||||atiumd6a|||||atitmm64||

Total : 2.6 sec
Well, I can see 2 problems there:
- AMD's own drivers don't report VDDC here. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional.
- Even if there would be a voltage regulator that might provide actual VDDC, we have decided not to access it on Fury GPUs, as such readout could cause system troubles.
So my current suggestion is to try latest Catalyst drivers whether they maybe fix the reporting of VDDC, or wait for an update that would hopefully fix it sometime later.
I'm sorry, I don't have another solution for this now.