Lenovo Thinkpad P51. 3 months old. win 10 pro 1703. Each day for the past three months I fire up HWiNFO64 and it shows all good. Today when I did it it showed for the SSD DRIVE FAILURE in red "YES". Lenovo tech support chat was a PIA. Thought I would check here and see what you all thought. When I ran S.M.A.R.T. drive status from the command prompt all was good. Coincidentally when I ran a Lenovo diagnostic the other day it showed (if I am reading it correctly) all good:

TEST_DEVICE_READ_TEST:::1.1.11:::e:::1 Passed
TEST_SMART_WEAROUT_TEST:::1.1.14:::o:::1 Passed

I assume that the above info was a check of the SSD.
I will need to see more SMART details that are not available in the sensors window, but in the main window in the Drive section.
If you're using Sensors-only mode, you will need to disable it for the main window to appear. Please post that screenshot.
You might also check with other tools like CrystalDiskInfo.
>I will need to see more SMART details that are not available in the sensors window, but in the main window in the Drive section.
If you're using Sensors-only mode, you will need to disable it for the main window to appear. Please post that screenshot.
You might also check with other tools like CrystalDiskInfo.

Thanks so much for the quick response. I am not home now but will post tonight or tomorrow. Anything in particular I should look for or run when using CrystalDiskInfo? Thanks so much. And what do you make if anything from the results that I posted (pics) from running S.M.A.R.T. drive from the command prompt as well as the little info I posted from the Lenovo diagnostic tool.
Martin said:
I will need to see more SMART details that are not available in the sensors window, but in the main window in the Drive section.
If you're using Sensors-only mode, you will need to disable it for the main window to appear. Please post that screenshot.
You might also check with other tools like CrystalDiskInfo.

Thanks so much for taking a look at this. I should have mentioned that I am using HWINFO ver. 5.72-333. And just to refresh the 90 or so times that I ran it before (daily) I never saw the red Fail message. Also I recently updated HWINFO from whatever version I was running previously and if I am not mistaken the updated version coincided with the red FAIL message.

>I will need to see more SMART details that are not available in the sensors window, but in the main window in the Drive section.

My apologies. I am not exactly sure what you wanted to see. I am posting a pic. Please let me know where I need to drill down further if you need more info.

CrystalDisk showed good (see pic.) As well as a 45 minute Lenovo Diagnostic Solutions scan:

Lenovo Diag. Results: FinalResultCode:W1GF6GJ9B-K2CVV6 after running a 45 minute HDD and SSD test.

SAMSUNG MZVPW256HEGL-000L7 - 238.47 GBs - Success Device Tests: Device Read TestSuccess Smart Wearout TestSuccess Device Write TestSuccess



You posted the system summary window screenshot from HWiNFO.
Close that window and there should be a larger one. Expanding the tree nodes on left side locate your drive and post a screenshot of all details shown.
[attachment=2702 said:
Martin pid='17427' dateline='1520102630'][attachment=2702]You posted the system summary window screenshot from HWiNFO.
Close that window and there should be a larger one. Expanding the tree nodes on left side locate your drive and post a screenshot of all details shown.

Thanks for walking me through this. I believe I have the correct screenshot that you were asking about. I have also included some additional info. Thanks again. I have added three attachments since I still do not know how to add a screenshot : ) I had trouble adding a PDF file so I am including a drop box link as well as an IMGUR link.
"Device Reliablity Degraded" - this is the reason why HWiNFO shows a problem.
This means: the NVM subsystem reliability has been degraded due to significant media related errors or any internal error that degrades NVM subsystem reliability.
Martin said:
"Device Reliablity Degraded" - this is the reason why HWiNFO shows a problem.
This means: the NVM subsystem reliability has been degraded due to significant media related errors or any internal error that degrades NVM subsystem reliability.

Thanks so much for taking the time to walk me through this. Admittedly I will have to read up on the terms that you mention. If you do no mind could you kindly answer two questions for me.

1. How worried should I be in your opinion about the red flag warning when as I mentioned the Lenovo diagnostic tool showed nothing as well as apparently CrystalDiskInfo? Lenovo chat said my drive is not covered under warranty since their tool came back clean even though i provided them the info from HWINFO.

2. I took the liberty (perhaps I should have asked first but my concern for the SSD drive drove me to ask about this in one of the Lenovo forums) and I linked this post there. One of the replies was this. Are this person's questions relevant and if so can you possibly when you get the time address them for me. Thanks again.


The question that is still not answered is this: What Smart flag or other data does HWiNFO read to claim the drive has issues?

OEM drives are supported by the product manufacturer, not their own. Nothing new there. Now smart reports no issues, Lenovo's utility reports no issues, only HWiNFO does and the author (in your link) does not state how this information is gathered.

As far as I know, if Smart is all good, if i/o tests are all good, the drive is good.

The only other option is for the drive to have reported a change in one of the smart attributes, maybe the "life" or "degradation" attribute from 100 to 99 or similar, and while all other apps still consider it good (as it should be considered) HWiNFO freaked out.

So ask the HWiNFO author, which SMART attribute does this warning read and/or relates to.

Finally in CrsytalDisk, there is a way to show SMART with decimal data rather than HEX. This will help us all. (sorry I have no access to windows to check CrystalDisk's settings, but if you try you'll find it).


It appears from the author's comments he refers to attribute 0E - Media and Data Integrity Errors that has a HEX value 50, decimal 80.

From (kingston's) literature this attribute is:

"Media and Data Integrity Errors: Contains the number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error. Errors such as uncorrectable ECC, CRC checksum failure, or LBA tag mismatch are included in this field."

This is not something to ignore, but does not mean your drive is dying or is dead. So keep an eye on this attribute and see if it changes again. But I do not think you can claim warranty on it yet.
First let's clarify that this is a NVMe drive. These drives work quite different than usual ATA/SATA drives. NVMe drives report SMART status using a different method, there are no SMART attributes, thresholds, etc. in NVMe.
These drives report certain critical parameters straight, not like ATA/SATA. So the answer above and trying to figure out a respective SMART attribute for a NVMe drive is totally irrelevant. One needs to be familiar with the NVMe specification (public) first.
CrystalDiskInfo reports values as SMART information, but this is just sort of faked - it creates virtual attributes (IDs) into which it translates the NVMe Log data.
I can't speak for the Lenovo utility, only they know which parameters it is checking and how well it supports NVMe.
HWiNFO displays what the drive reports and I described the problem you see based on NVMe specification. I believe, that a degraded device reliability is serious.
More details in NVMe specification:; Figure 93 Bit2 is what your drive reports
>First let's clarify that this is a NVMe drive...

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I am going to familiarize myself more with the information that you have provided. Thanks again.i
Martin said:
First let's clarify that this is a NVMe drive. These drives work quite different than usual ATA/SATA drives. NVMe drives report SMART status using a different method, there are no SMART attributes, thresholds, etc. in NVMe.
These drives report certain critical parameters straight, not like ATA/SATA. So the answer above and trying to figure out a respective SMART attribute for a NVMe drive is totally irrelevant. One needs to be familiar with the NVMe specification (public) first.
CrystalDiskInfo reports values as SMART information, but this is just sort of faked - it creates virtual attributes (IDs) into which it translates the NVMe Log data.
I can't speak for the Lenovo utility, only they know which parameters it is checking and how well it supports NVMe.
HWiNFO displays what the drive reports and I described the problem you see based on NVMe specification. I believe, that a degraded device reliability is serious.
More details in NVMe specification:; Figure 93 Bit2 is what your drive reports

>CrystalDiskInfo reports values as SMART information, but this is just sort of faked - it creates virtual attributes (IDs) into which it translates the NVMe Log data.

OK. Thanks again for that info.

>HWiNFO displays what the drive reports and I described the problem you see based on NVMe specification. I believe, that a degraded device reliability is serious.

Thanks for that and while the seriousness of the matter does not make me feel any better the feedback you have given is invaluable. My problem now relies with Lenovo since the diagnostic tool that they rely on to initiate a replacement drive comes up clean and while I image the drive regularly unless there is a catastrophic failure they will not replace the drive. It occurred to me that if I can go back to Lenovo with more then one diagnostic tool that tests for the exact same parameters that HWINFO did and spits back the same or similar RED FAIL warning I might be able to persuade them to take me more seriously. Are you aware of another application (preferably free) that will test for the same thing that HWINFO did that is Device Reliability Degradation or is there a cmd line prompt that I can use that will drill down and tell me about Device Reliability Degradation and test exactly or similar to what HWINFO tested for? Thanks so much.