SSD Drives


New Member
Hello. I have two SSD NVMe disks: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500 Gb as C:, where I have installed the OS (windows 10) and most programs, and ADATA XPG SX8200 1 Tb. as D:, where I have installed some games, other SW and data.

I started HWINFO64 and the sensors window, and then I started playing a game (Tom's Clancy...). After half an hour more or less, I stopped the game and reviewed the sensors window. I have seen that the MAX Read and Write Rates of the Samsung disk are quite larger than for the ADATA disk (more than x10). Does this has to do with the disks performance, or have it another explanation?. I have this doubt because In the benckmarks I have seen, it seems that there should be no such a great difference. Any clarification would be appreciated. Thank you.
When you run benchmarks the same exact amount of data is written on both drives. But when you run a game the OS drive always has more data written on it. By how much more depends on background tasks, pagefile/virtual memory access, where the game is installed (OS or storage drive) and probably much more...

OS drive increases Read/Write rates by the minute while running light or heavy apps/games, browsers and basicaly everything.