2024, HWin data in RainMeter without running RainMeter as Admin?


New Member
Most of the messages and posts on this topic seem old. In 2024, is there any way to use HWin64 data in RainMeter without running RainMeter as an Admin?

Given the nature of RainMeter it doesn't seem smart to let it run as an admin.

Looking at the old posts, seems like it would have been best if HWin64 posted the values in the Registry to an area all users, admins and non-admins, could access.
Currently there's no other way.
I could change this but it would require Rainmeter plugins to perform the same change.
Would it be feasible to just duplicate the data in an area of the registry available to all users?

That way existing plugins could continue to function as is, and new plugins going forward could program to access values in the common area.

Eventually, with upgrades and time, more plugins would access the new common area. Leaving the old method for legacy plugins.
Yes, that was my idea too. But Rainmeter plugins will need to perform this change as well and also look in HKEY_USERS.
Wouldn't the existing plugins be able to continue to get their data from the location it is currently being written to in the registry, and just ignore the values written to the common area of the registry?

This would even give a plugin designer the option of making their plugin usable by only admin accounts, or by all users, based upon which area of the registry they read the values from.
Yes, but they will need to attempt to read from the other location too.
Starting with the next Beta build, HWiNFO will export the data into both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
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