Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 - Errors or no voltage readings

RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Thank you for your work, gentlemen. I have uploaded a new plugin hwinfo and now the readings are changing every few seconds for a change in the way when the graphics card is asleep.
Graphics card goes into this state after about 12 minutes when I do not touch the mouse and keyboard. :idea:

Of course, during normal operation, everything works perfectly, but when gpu sleep the temperature still freaking out. :cool:
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

So you mean, now the GPU temperature cycles between 34 C and that invalid >600C value every second ?
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Yes, but only during sleep gpu, change the temperature display changes approximately every 10-15 seconds and then shows the change for example 34st.C / 640st.C. During normal operation is all right and indications are correct and up to date.
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Hmm, I think the plug-in will need another update...
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

arielcpu, it's difficult to debug without comparable hardware but I have a theory:

I think when your GPU goes to sleep some sensors disappear from HWiNFO's shared memory.
If your LCD Smartie screen settings for the GPU temp use the sensor id number, this number may then refer to another sensor.
Some of your fan speeds look close to this 600-700 range.
Most likely the plugin is reporting your GPU fan speed instead of temperature.

Test 1: Keep HWiNFO on screen when your GPU goes idle and compare the plugin reported GPU temp value to the other sensors in HWiNFO (especially the fans).
>> Edit: Set Show Labels to true in plugin config to confirm which sensor is being reported.

Test 2: Instead of using the sensor id number in the plugin setup try using the exact sensor name. eg: $dll(hwinfo,1,GPU Thermal Diode,)

This will search all the sensors by name and if the GPU Thermal Diode disappears will report "Label not found".
If it doesn't disappear but has an INVALID_READING flag the plugin (v1.0.2) will report "NA".
(You can change "NA" to "Idle" or "Offline" or "0" or anything else in the plugin config)

In the mean time I'll put together a debug build for you to try because I'd like to know what happens with the shared memory in this scenario so I can come up with the best solution.

Back in a while...

>> Edit: If you could upload a csv log from before/after gpu idle state that may tell me what I need to know without making a debug build.
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

I've just done some testing on my system using sensor id number in LCD Smarties screen settings.
I can confirm that if a sensor or group of sensors with a lower id number are disabled the reported value in LCD Smartie will be offset to another sensor location.
However if using the full sensor name instead of id number the correct value continues to be reported.

I'm fairly confident that my theory about some sensors disappearing when your GPU sleeps is causing the issue but I can't say for sure if your GPU Temperature sensor remains active or not.

I've knocked up a debug version which will write all the sensor values to a file in the plugin directory every 30 seconds (similar to HWiNFO's logging function).
If you try that out and post the debug file hwinfo_debug.csv it will help.

But a workaround for the id number may be tricky. I'll have to give it some thought...

[attachment removed]
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

arielcpu said:
I have two files :rolleyes:
Thanks arielcpu, those logs are enlightening.
Couple of things I can see from them: [Edit: see from the hwinfo_Debug.csv. (I don't know how to interpret the DBG file)]
- First, none of your sensors are disappearing from HWiNFO's shared memory (this is good news).
- Second, when your GPU goes idle it actually is being read as 6xx degree's. [Edit: the shared memory is reporting 6xx degrees]

I'm not sure whats going on there, it looks like its just reporting a weird value when it's asleep.
The other thing of note is that your language uses comma's instead of decimal places, but I don't think this is any problem, just screws up csv files.

I'm just about finished a v2.0 re-write of the LCD Smartie plugin to properly handle disabled sensors, but unfortunately I don't think it's going to help with these weird values.
I'll dig a bit deeper tomorrow, it's very late here..
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Well, I don't think HWiNFO is really reporting 6xx C when the GPU is idle.
According to the DBG file attached, it reads 0. Also note, that in the CSV, the GPU temp equals FAN2 RPM value when the GPU is idle. So this is probably a different issue.
One can verify what exactly is HWiNFO reading when using its logging feature. Further analysis of this CSV file should reveal what's exactly being reported.
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

:angel: Hurley & Martin :D Thank you for your commitment, I'll be waiting for your reply. If you need any further information please write it. :blush:
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading


refer to: LCD Smartie plug-in for HWiNFO for latest plugin version. (v1.0.2+)

OK v2.0.0 is ready.
Subject to passing arielcpu's test's I'll redo the help pdf and update the release posts.
There's a few notable changes with this release:
First, please delete the old hwinfo.ini and hwinfo_Sensors.txt files and ensure HWiNFO is running and monitoring all the sensors you may want to display before starting LCD Smartie the first time.

Param1 options have been simplified: You can now only use the Sensor ID (1-X) or the full Sensor Name (case insensitive) for param1.
As before you can get these values from hwinfo_sensors.txt

Param2 has a new option: rangeX-X which can be abbreviated eg: $dll(hwinfo,1,1,r0-150).
If this option is used and the sensor reports a value outside the range, the Offline sensor value from hwinfo.ini will be returned instead.

This version will also return the Offline sensor value if a sensor is disabled in HWiNFO or disappears from the shared memory or if it returns an INVALID_READING value.
Also Loop Modes (param1) have been changed from loop to #loop and loopfile to #loopfile.

[attachment removed]
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

I used the new lcdsmartie plugin v.2.0.0. I have not tested yet sleep gpu but there is a problem with the display of fan speed cpu and gpu. See the photos.

I added also generated hwinfo_sensors when run plugin v.2.0.0

I checked the exact numbers of sensors and everything is according to hwinfo_sensors file.


RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Guys, I'm really sorry, but I just (after a detailed analysis) found out, that this is indeed an issue in HWiNFO passing data to plug-ins. When for example the GPU goes off, in some cases HWiNFO doesn't properly report the temperature as invalid to plug-ins.
I'll fix this in the next build released. If you need a fix ASAP, just let me know...
Again sorry, that I overlooked this earlier and caused more troubles for you.
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

arielcpu said:
I used the new lcdsmartie plugin v.2.0.0. I have not tested yet sleep gpu but there is a problem with the display of fan speed cpu and gpu. See the photos.

Ah, now I remember why I had so many settup options in 1.x.x.
Sorry I rushed v2 out without a thorough testing and overlooked the case of sensors with the same name.
Just roll back to v1.0.2 since the changes in v2 won't be needed with the next release of HWiNFO.

I'll give 1.0.2 a good stress test before I package it up for official release.

Thank's Martin and arielcpu, it needed a team effort to nail down the issue and the debug logs were critical, but it's great to get to resolution.

Happy hardware monitoring folks!

hurley. :D
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Great, then I look forward to v1.0.2 and the new version of hwinfo.
Today I went to bed worried but I see that not for long. :rolleyes:
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

I have just released HWiNFO32/64 v4.41-2243 Beta. This should fix the issue.
Please let me (us) know...
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Thank You Martin, in about 10 hours I'll be testing at home.
Hurley, can u post lcdsmartie plugin v.1.0.2 here? I'm sure that this is the last and the correct plugin. :heart:
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Knock on wood...
(make sure to delete old config and sensor list files)

[attachment removed] (beta preview dll only)
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Thank you Thank you. All scripts in LcdSmartie are corrected and the temperature and fan speed work beautifully. :angel:

For a moment I tested the gpu sleep ... :D
RE: Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z Gen3 +3,3V +5V +12V No voltage reading

Thanks for the great news and patience :)
Also many thanks to hurley for testing and updates! Shall I upload the LCD Smartie v1.02 ?