Core/Package Power Limit Exceeded sensor value is not correct


The sensor value does not match the value of the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility on a Surface Pro 4.

It seems that only changes from off to on and on to off are shown.

HWiNFO64 v5.84-3450

If you're running HWiNFO with other tool that can monitor Performance Limit Reasons then values in both tools might not be accurate.
This is because a particular reason flag is sticky until one of those tools resets it. So if either of those tools does a reset, the other one won't catch the correct value.
Martin said:
If you're running HWiNFO with other tool that can monitor Performance Limit Reasons then values in both tools might not be accurate.
This is because a particular reason flag is sticky until one of those tools resets it. So if either of those tools does a reset, the other one won't catch the correct value.

The tools did not run at the same time!
Increasing the refresh rate did not solve the problem.

On the Surface Pro 4, the Power Limit Exceeded is able to easily sustain for several minutes. Therefore, this can be easily tested.

HWiNFO doesn't view the correct state.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm checking this in more detail...
Can you please describe how it exactly behaves? Is it that when a Power Limit Exceeded event happens, HWiNFO will indicate this at a certain refresh cycle, but on the next cycle it shows "No" ?
Can you also try to run the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility along with HWiNFO to check if XTU value will be closer to what HWiNFO reports?
Thanks for the feedback, I'm checking this in more detail...
  • Can you please describe how it exactly behaves? Is it that when a Power Limit Exceeded event happens, HWiNFO will indicate this at a certain refresh cycle, but on the next cycle it shows "No" ?
  • It is exactly like that!
What do you mean by an XTU value?
Sorry, XTU = Intel Extreme Tuning Utility.
What I wanted to know is that if both tools run at the same time, if also the Extreme Tuning Utility will show the Power Limit Exceeded value to revert back to "No" similar to HWiNFO.
OK. Please enable Debug Mode in HWiNFO and keep it running while XTU shows the limit is exceeded. When the value drops to false, please close HWiNFO and send me the DBG file produced.
Sorry for the late reply.

Attached is a perfect dump of the bug.

From minute 4, the CPU goes to 100% and stays there. XTU shows the limit is exceeded and stays there but HWiNFO not.


Thanks for the data. I think I know how to fix this, will do so in the next HWiNFO build.