Disabling collapsible sensor categories


New Member
I would like to know how I can disable the brand new 7.02 feature that allows me to collaps categories and sensors. I hate it.
You can delete the collapsible header by Shift-Del or switch to the custom sensor order (disable fixed order).
Then I still have the sensors shifted to the right and since the categories have the arrow too it's a shitload of wasted space :( I just want 7.00 design back.
Don't get me wrong. HWiNFO is awesome. I use it for a long time and even bought Pro. But until now it didn't got any better but worse. I'm reverting back to 7.00 until the new design is optional.
It removes it, yes. Thank you. But sadly it injects empty rows everywhere.

To be honest, I'd prefer if I could collapse the categories, eg. "DIMM Temperature Sensor" but without having the arrows, the waste of space caused by the arrows or the individual sensor nodes collapsed.

Keep the version 7.00 design and allow us to right-click on a category and select "collapse" to make it collapsed. That's it.
Hi Martin,

I'm having the opposite problem--I have HWinfo on 3 PCs, latest version 7.04. On two of the PCs, the categories are not collapsible and I can't seem to find an option to enable the feature. Can you please assist? I've tried reinstalling as well as deleting the .INI file.
Hi Martin,

I'm having the opposite problem--I have HWinfo on 3 PCs, latest version 7.04. On two of the PCs, the categories are not collapsible and I can't seem to find an option to enable the feature. Can you please assist? I've tried reinstalling as well as deleting the .INI file.

That looks like you're using a custom sensor order, which doesn't feature this. Go into Sensor Settings - Layout and enable the "Fixed order" option.