[FAN CONTROL BUG; PLZ IGNORE] Fan Control breaking some HWiNFO64 sensor readings


New Member

Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing an issue where Fan Control breaks some HWiNFO64 sensor readings. I'm unsure if I should report this issue to HWiNFO64 or Fan Control, so I'm starting here because HWiNFO64 is the affected software.

Please let me know if this has been reported previously, if I can provide assistance, and whether a fix is in the works.

  • When HWiNFO64 is running, and Fan Control starts, some HWiNFO64 voltage and fan speed sensors stop working.
  • This occurs if I have HWiNFO64 and Fan Control set to auto-start or if I manually start them after logging in.
  • The only way I can fix this issue is by starting a first instance of HWiNFO64 and Fan Control, killing both, and then restarting them.

My System Specs:
  • HWiNFO64 Pro v8.17-5615
  • Fan Control v2.09 (NET 8)
  • Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (build 22631.4602)
  • Gigabyte Z690 AERO G DDR 4 (mobo)
  • Radion RX 580 (dGPU)

Temp Fix:
  1. I created two batch files to kill HWiNFO64 and Fan Control, restart them in order, and finally kill and restart Explorer.exe.
  2. Refer to the comments in the primary batch file, "ReLaunch HWiNFO64 and Fan Control.bat".
Detailed Explanation:
  • This script silently calls ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat, which:
    • (1) Kills the running Fan Control process
    • (2) Waits for 1 second
    • (3) Kills the running HWiNFO64 process
      • This must occur after killing Fan Control if the HWiNFO64 Gadget and HWiNFO64 plugin are used for Fan Control's sensor readings. Otherwise, Fan Control will get stuck in a loop, and you'll have to manually kill the Fan Control process.
    • (4) Waits for 1 second
    • (5) Starts HWiNFO64
    • (6) Waits for 2 seconds
    • (7) Starts Fan Control
    • (8) Waits for 10 seconds
    • (9) Kills Explorer.exe (remove the prior instance of System Tray icons for HWiNFO64 and Fan Control)
    • (10) Starts Explorer.exe
Alternate Solution:
  • If you're experiencing this issue upon login and don't want to use these scripts:
    • (1) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
    • (2) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to at least 10 seconds
    • (3) Manually exit Fan Control after it loads its System Tray icon
    • (4) Manually exit HWiNFO64
    • (5) Manully start HWiNFO64
    • (6) Manually start Fan Control
    • (7) Run the mouse cursor over the System Tray icons or restart Explorer.exe to remove the prior instance of System Tray icons.

Running the batch files:

  1. I attached these two batch files to this post with an appended text file extension (e.g., ".txt"). To run the files, remove the appended .txt extension.
  2. Alternatively, I shared the code below to create your batch files using copy/paste.




Title ReLaunch HWiNFO64 and Fan Control

:: HWiNFO64 and Fan Control Launcher
:: Description:
::    Silently auto start HWiNFO64 and Fan Control with elevated privileges (Admin) at login using Task Scheduler
:: Motivation:
::    Prevent Fan Control from breaking some of HWiNFO64's sensors when Fan Control starts.
:: Warning:
::    Use at your own risk. I still need to add error checking, IF statements, and other improvements.
:: Operation:
::        (1) Edit directory locations to match your system.
::        (2) Place  this batch file ("ReLaunch_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" and "ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" into
::            the same directory; e.g., %USERPROFILE%/Documents/your_custom_folder/
::        (3) Use Task Scheduler to run this file at user login with a 15-second delay
::        (4) Configure the task to run with the highest privileges to avoid UAC interaction
::        (5) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
::        (6) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to 10 seconds
:: Explanation:
::        This script silently calls ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat, which:
::            (1) Kills the running Fan Control process
::            (2) Waits for 1 second
::            (3) Kills the running HWiNFO64 process (this must occur **after** killing Fan Control!)
::            (4) Waits for 1 second
::            (5) Starts HWiNFO64
::            (6) Waits for 2 seconds
::            (7) Starts Fan Control
::            (8) Waits for 10 seconds
::            (9) Kills Explorer.exe (to remove prior the instance System Tray icons for HWiNFO64 and Fan Control)
::            (10) Starts Explorer.exe
:: Alternate Solution:
::        If you're experiencing this issue upon login and don't want to use these scripts:
::            (1) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
::            (2) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to at least 10 seconds
::            (3) Manually exit Fan Control after it loads its System Tray icon
::            (4) Manually exit HWiNFO64 after it loads its System Tray icon
::            (5) Manually start HWiNFO64
::            (6) Manually start Fan Control
::            (7) Run the mouse cursor over the System Tray icons or restart Explorer.exe to remove the prior instance of System Tray icons.
::        (1) This is a rough solution to a recent issue where Fan Control kills some HWiNFO64 voltage and fan speed sensors.
::            E.g., Vcore, DRAM voltage, CPU VCCIN_AUX voltage, CPU fan speed, System 1-3 fan speeds, and CPU_OPT speed.
::        (2) Reproducible:
::                (A) Default HWiNFO64 installation with Task Scheduler auto starting HWiNFO64_launcher at login.
::                (B) Default Fan Control portable auto start with at least a 10-second delay (so it starts after HWiNFO64 is running).
::                (C) Some HWiNFO64 sensors stop reporting once FanControl starts.
::        (3) I have been experiencing this issue since updating to the following software versions:
::                HWiNFO64 Pro v8.17-5617
::                Fan Control v2.09 (NET 8)
::        (4) OS & Hardware:
::                Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.4602
::                Gigabyte Z690 AERO G DDR4
::                Radion RX 580
::        (5) My HWiNFO64 configuration:
::                - Enable reporting to Gadget
::        (6) My Fan Control configuration:
::                - Install HWiNFO64 plugin
::                - Exclusive use of HWiNFO64 sensors via Gadget and HWiNFO64 plugin; native Fan Control sensor sources are not used.
ECHO *********************************************************
ECHO Restarting HWiNFO64, Fan Control, and Windows Explorer.
ECHO Please wait . . .
ECHO *********************************************************

START /B CMD /C CALL "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PC\!Startup_HWiNFO64_FanControl\ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" >NUL 2>&1



Title ReStarting HWiNFO64 and Fan Control

::    ---> LAUNCH THIS SCRIPT BY RUNNING ReLaunch_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat <---

taskkill /f /im FanControl.exe > nul
ping -n 2 > nul
taskkill /f /im HWiNFO64.exe > nul
ping -n 2 > nul

start "" /d "%PROGRAMFILES%\HWiNFO64\" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HWiNFO64\HWiNFO64Launcher.exe"
ping -n 3 > nul
start %USERPROFILE%\Documents\PC\Portable_software\FanControl\FanControl_app\FanControl.exe
ping -n 11 > nul
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe > nul && start explorer.exe >nul
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Here is a screenshot of the broken sensor readings after Fan Control starts.

HWiNFO64 broken sensors - Copy.png
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I looked at the log files for HWiNFO64 and Fan Control, but they're empty after allowing Fan Control to break HWiNFO64 sensor readings. The system Event View didn't show any relevant errors or warnings.

Is there a specific method to make HWiNFO64 generate error logs?

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This should be definitely reported to Fan Control.
AFAIK it's based on LibreHardwareMonitor which was affected by problems working with any other software. Some of those issues should be resolved in LHM but not sure if Fan Control is using the latest LHM version.
Thanks for your insight. If you're curious, I created a report over at Fan Contro's HWiNFO64 plugin GitHub page. Remo and I are discussing this issue here.

Remo didn't think Fan Control caused this issue, but when I tried what he suggested, which should have proved it wasn't Fan Control, it seemed to confrim it is caused by Fan Control.