New Member
Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing an issue where Fan Control breaks some HWiNFO64 sensor readings. I'm unsure if I should report this issue to HWiNFO64 or Fan Control, so I'm starting here because HWiNFO64 is the affected software.
Please let me know if this has been reported previously, if I can provide assistance, and whether a fix is in the works.
My System Specs:
Temp Fix:
Running the batch files:
Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing an issue where Fan Control breaks some HWiNFO64 sensor readings. I'm unsure if I should report this issue to HWiNFO64 or Fan Control, so I'm starting here because HWiNFO64 is the affected software.
Please let me know if this has been reported previously, if I can provide assistance, and whether a fix is in the works.
- When HWiNFO64 is running, and Fan Control starts, some HWiNFO64 voltage and fan speed sensors stop working.
- This occurs if I have HWiNFO64 and Fan Control set to auto-start or if I manually start them after logging in.
- The only way I can fix this issue is by starting a first instance of HWiNFO64 and Fan Control, killing both, and then restarting them.
My System Specs:
- HWiNFO64 Pro v8.17-5615
- Fan Control v2.09 (NET 8)
- Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (build 22631.4602)
- Gigabyte Z690 AERO G DDR 4 (mobo)
- Radion RX 580 (dGPU)
Temp Fix:
- I created two batch files to kill HWiNFO64 and Fan Control, restart them in order, and finally kill and restart Explorer.exe.
- Refer to the comments in the primary batch file, "ReLaunch HWiNFO64 and Fan Control.bat".
- This script silently calls ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat, which:
- (1) Kills the running Fan Control process
- (2) Waits for 1 second
- (3) Kills the running HWiNFO64 process
- This must occur after killing Fan Control if the HWiNFO64 Gadget and HWiNFO64 plugin are used for Fan Control's sensor readings. Otherwise, Fan Control will get stuck in a loop, and you'll have to manually kill the Fan Control process.
- (4) Waits for 1 second
- (5) Starts HWiNFO64
- (6) Waits for 2 seconds
- (7) Starts Fan Control
- (8) Waits for 10 seconds
- (9) Kills Explorer.exe (remove the prior instance of System Tray icons for HWiNFO64 and Fan Control)
- (10) Starts Explorer.exe
- If you're experiencing this issue upon login and don't want to use these scripts:
- (1) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
- (2) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to at least 10 seconds
- (3) Manually exit Fan Control after it loads its System Tray icon
- (4) Manually exit HWiNFO64
- (5) Manully start HWiNFO64
- (6) Manually start Fan Control
- (7) Run the mouse cursor over the System Tray icons or restart Explorer.exe to remove the prior instance of System Tray icons.
Running the batch files:
- I attached these two batch files to this post with an appended text file extension (e.g., ".txt"). To run the files, remove the appended .txt extension.
- Alternatively, I shared the code below to create your batch files using copy/paste.
Title ReLaunch HWiNFO64 and Fan Control
:: HWiNFO64 and Fan Control Launcher
:: Description:
:: Silently auto start HWiNFO64 and Fan Control with elevated privileges (Admin) at login using Task Scheduler
:: Motivation:
:: Prevent Fan Control from breaking some of HWiNFO64's sensors when Fan Control starts.
:: Warning:
:: Use at your own risk. I still need to add error checking, IF statements, and other improvements.
:: Operation:
:: (1) Edit directory locations to match your system.
:: (2) Place this batch file ("ReLaunch_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" and "ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" into
:: the same directory; e.g., %USERPROFILE%/Documents/your_custom_folder/
:: (3) Use Task Scheduler to run this file at user login with a 15-second delay
:: (4) Configure the task to run with the highest privileges to avoid UAC interaction
:: (5) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
:: (6) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to 10 seconds
:: Explanation:
:: This script silently calls ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat, which:
:: (1) Kills the running Fan Control process
:: (2) Waits for 1 second
:: (3) Kills the running HWiNFO64 process (this must occur **after** killing Fan Control!)
:: (4) Waits for 1 second
:: (5) Starts HWiNFO64
:: (6) Waits for 2 seconds
:: (7) Starts Fan Control
:: (8) Waits for 10 seconds
:: (9) Kills Explorer.exe (to remove prior the instance System Tray icons for HWiNFO64 and Fan Control)
:: (10) Starts Explorer.exe
:: Alternate Solution:
:: If you're experiencing this issue upon login and don't want to use these scripts:
:: (1) Enable the HWiNFO64 setting "Auto Start"; do not change the default 5-second delay in Task Scheduler
:: (2) Enable the Fan Control setting "Start at user log on"; set the delay to at least 10 seconds
:: (3) Manually exit Fan Control after it loads its System Tray icon
:: (4) Manually exit HWiNFO64 after it loads its System Tray icon
:: (5) Manually start HWiNFO64
:: (6) Manually start Fan Control
:: (7) Run the mouse cursor over the System Tray icons or restart Explorer.exe to remove the prior instance of System Tray icons.
:: (1) This is a rough solution to a recent issue where Fan Control kills some HWiNFO64 voltage and fan speed sensors.
:: E.g., Vcore, DRAM voltage, CPU VCCIN_AUX voltage, CPU fan speed, System 1-3 fan speeds, and CPU_OPT speed.
:: (2) Reproducible:
:: (A) Default HWiNFO64 installation with Task Scheduler auto starting HWiNFO64_launcher at login.
:: (B) Default Fan Control portable auto start with at least a 10-second delay (so it starts after HWiNFO64 is running).
:: (C) Some HWiNFO64 sensors stop reporting once FanControl starts.
:: (3) I have been experiencing this issue since updating to the following software versions:
:: HWiNFO64 Pro v8.17-5617
:: Fan Control v2.09 (NET 8)
:: (4) OS & Hardware:
:: Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.4602
:: Gigabyte Z690 AERO G DDR4
:: Radion RX 580
:: (5) My HWiNFO64 configuration:
:: - Enable reporting to Gadget
:: (6) My Fan Control configuration:
:: - Install HWiNFO64 plugin
:: - Exclusive use of HWiNFO64 sensors via Gadget and HWiNFO64 plugin; native Fan Control sensor sources are not used.
ECHO *********************************************************
ECHO Restarting HWiNFO64, Fan Control, and Windows Explorer.
ECHO Please wait . . .
ECHO *********************************************************
START /B CMD /C CALL "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PC\!Startup_HWiNFO64_FanControl\ReStarting_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat" >NUL 2>&1
Title ReStarting HWiNFO64 and Fan Control
:: ---> LAUNCH THIS SCRIPT BY RUNNING ReLaunch_HWiNFO64_FanControl.bat <---
taskkill /f /im FanControl.exe > nul
ping -n 2 > nul
taskkill /f /im HWiNFO64.exe > nul
ping -n 2 > nul
start "" /d "%PROGRAMFILES%\HWiNFO64\" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HWiNFO64\HWiNFO64Launcher.exe"
ping -n 3 > nul
start %USERPROFILE%\Documents\PC\Portable_software\FanControl\FanControl_app\FanControl.exe
ping -n 11 > nul
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe > nul && start explorer.exe >nul
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