I've run into a very strange bug. Everything works fine until launching the sensors. When I do, the chassis fans running off the Asus P7P55D-E stop spinning. HWinfo manages to get one or a couple of readings on the fans, reporting whatever value they were spinning at before getting stopped by HWinfo. After being stopped they will naturally show 0 as RPM.
I encountered the issue at first while running version 448, upgrading to 450 did not help. The fans will spin briefly during POST but will shortly afterwards stop spinning again, even if HWinfo isn't launched. I've tried running HWinfo without reading the EC sensor, but the same issue manifests itself. The only way I've found so far to get them running again is to jump into the BIOS and disable and then re-enable Asus Q-Fan control.
The machine is a simple home server that I connect to using Remote Desktop.
I encountered the issue at first while running version 448, upgrading to 450 did not help. The fans will spin briefly during POST but will shortly afterwards stop spinning again, even if HWinfo isn't launched. I've tried running HWinfo without reading the EC sensor, but the same issue manifests itself. The only way I've found so far to get them running again is to jump into the BIOS and disable and then re-enable Asus Q-Fan control.
The machine is a simple home server that I connect to using Remote Desktop.