How to update beta versions


New Member
When moving from a beta to a new beta, is there a procedure to follow to preserve earlier configurations - for instance, the items you're monitoring with the sidebar gadget and what shows in the taskbar? My first thought is to just copy the new beta over the old beta, but I see a hwinfo32.dat file that changes as well as the hwinfo32.ini, so I suspect the results would be other than pleasing (to me).
Updating to a new Beta is easy by copying the new files over the previous ones.
There are 2 kinds of settings stored by HWiNFO32:
1. General settings which you see when you press the Configure button. These are stored in the HWiNFO32.INI file along with Benchmark results (either preset or stored by you).
2. User settings which include all user-defined sensor settings (like Gadget, Tray, colors, etc) + screen position/size. These are stored in the Registry (when "Remember Application Preferences" is enabled).
So the only settings you can loose by copying all files over are the General settings. In case you use custom general settings (or have own benchmark results stored), you might want to keep the original HWiNFO32.INI file. This file doesn't change often, even if there would be a new setting implemented and you wouldn't use the new INI file, it would get its default value automatically. Or you migh overwrite it and change the settings you prefer via GUI again.

The idea of such settings is just to have the General ones portable with you (certain users prefer certain configuration) and the others which depend on local hardware not portable (in registry) which stay after upgrade.

ibsteve2u said:
When moving from a beta to a new beta, is there a procedure to follow to preserve earlier configurations - for instance, the items you're monitoring with the sidebar gadget and what shows in the taskbar? My first thought is to just copy the new beta over the old beta, but I see a hwinfo32.dat file that changes as well as the hwinfo32.ini, so I suspect the results would be other than pleasing (to me).
Martin said:
The idea of such settings is just to have the General ones portable with you (certain users prefer certain configuration) and the others which depend on local hardware not portable (in registry) which stay after upgrade.

Great - that certainly exemplifies "good design practices"! Thanks!