HWinfo shows GPU Thermal Throttle when the max temp is 72 degrees


New Member
Hey all,

I have a 3060 Ti GPU and I was monitoring it during long gameing sessions. I noticed a strange thing. The GPU's thermal throttle limit is 83 degrees celcius. But the Performance Limit - Thermal alert was "Yes" even though core temp was 72 degrees max. The hotspot reached 82 degrees max btw. Why does it give this alert?
I've seen a few posts about this, and since this is the latest one I could find, I'll say here that I don't think it's a bug. On my LHR 3080, it's triggered exactly when hot spot temperature exceeds105 degrees C.

Edit: at least one other user got it when their hot spot was sub-100 degrees on a 3070 TI. So this actually may not be the cause for everyone.
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Hey all,

I have a 3060 Ti GPU and I was monitoring it during long gameing sessions. I noticed a strange thing. The GPU's thermal throttle limit is 83 degrees celcius. But the Performance Limit - Thermal alert was "Yes" even though core temp was 72 degrees max. The hotspot reached 82 degrees max btw. Why does it give this alert?
My guess is that thermal throttling is based on hot spot temp so it could momentarily spiked up to over 83°C, but when polling it dropped to 82°C. For example, if you set polling to happen each 1000ms, start temp is 80°C, 500ms later it's 83.5°C (triggered throttling here), but again 500ms later (next polling time) it dropped to 82°C. It looks like it has never exceeded the limit, but it simply wasn't recorded.

Other reasons could be your memory junction temp, VRM temp, anywhere on GPU that could possibly have high temp but no sensors there record them.