As you can see in my screenshot, my Thermal Throttling (HTC) and (PROCHOT EXT) both have a thermal throttle "Yes" applied.
From my understanding, Thermal Throttling (HTC) is "HTC stands for Hardware Thermal Control. If it reports "Yes", it means the CPU is overheating." But I am confused because my die temps never went above 100C which is my max temp. Are the die temps at a lower threshold than the TjMax temps?
I also noticed it says my Thermal Limit percent is at 69.5, but my CPU Tctl/Tdie is only at 64.5, could this mean that if my die temps get too hot a Thermal Throttle (HTC) is thrown?
The other one is the Thermal Throttling (PROCHOT EXT), this is "something else" if this is the only thing flagged. But since I also have HTC flagged, this means it could be the die itself?
I am wondering if CPU die alone can issue a PROCHOT but the CPU cores (PROCHOT CPU) be completely fine. Does that make any sense? I am not super familiar with how all this connects and works.

In a GPU benchmark, you can also see my super inconsistent CPU freqs, my guess is due to the DIE temps,

My question is this - does HTC and PROCHOT EXT get flagged if the die gets too hot? Or is something else throttling my hardware?
From my understanding, Thermal Throttling (HTC) is "HTC stands for Hardware Thermal Control. If it reports "Yes", it means the CPU is overheating." But I am confused because my die temps never went above 100C which is my max temp. Are the die temps at a lower threshold than the TjMax temps?
I also noticed it says my Thermal Limit percent is at 69.5, but my CPU Tctl/Tdie is only at 64.5, could this mean that if my die temps get too hot a Thermal Throttle (HTC) is thrown?
The other one is the Thermal Throttling (PROCHOT EXT), this is "something else" if this is the only thing flagged. But since I also have HTC flagged, this means it could be the die itself?
I am wondering if CPU die alone can issue a PROCHOT but the CPU cores (PROCHOT CPU) be completely fine. Does that make any sense? I am not super familiar with how all this connects and works.

In a GPU benchmark, you can also see my super inconsistent CPU freqs, my guess is due to the DIE temps,

My question is this - does HTC and PROCHOT EXT get flagged if the die gets too hot? Or is something else throttling my hardware?