hello im new here.. but im lover of HWiNFO 64....
i got lastes ( like for today
) HWiNFO 64 instaled on my pc...always everything was cooll till now..i was pick some weird reading of temperature on HWiNFO 64 and after update some weird Woltage reading ...
lets look on Screan shot..:
this screan shot showing weird Woltage reading on HWiNFO
..what uguys thing of it /? its normal in last version ?
and here some realy weird temperature reading before i update HWiNFO to lastest version .. check temperature and usage of Core 2#
in that moment i was use game form 2004 year its Unreal Tournament 2004.. with medium setings seteup on game graph setings.. with turned off Overclocking on my ATI card where ican overdrive CPU and ATI chipset + graphic card...everything was turnedOFF..
i even turned off some services what are damn usless in my win7 ultimate.
all my pc starting on 49 processes..i cut most stufff down ..everything is fine with PC after that reading..i not smell and weird burned smells or somthing..everytihng is coool...
im not sure what made that 80 C temperature on one core..
its AMD fx -4100 x4
i dont have any prolblems with CPU or GPU..
Edit :
i just remind something... reason what make me check HWiNFO monitoring and off the game was ..extreamly lags in game..i was pick extream lags on server i turnedoff game and i was check temperatures status.. and i saw 80 C ..
will be cool to have in HWiNFO some stuff aboteu network status.. not sure exactly what ,,oor maybe some window or tab with procceses what make high changes in temperature ..i need put my thoughts together aboute this and il lbeack later with this thing
edit 2 :
one sensable explenation what i have aboute 80 C on core 2# its system ,,maybe he redairect all usage and he focus it or put only for one core..but this sounds litte lstiupid :/
i got lastes ( like for today

lets look on Screan shot..:
this screan shot showing weird Woltage reading on HWiNFO
..what uguys thing of it /? its normal in last version ?

and here some realy weird temperature reading before i update HWiNFO to lastest version .. check temperature and usage of Core 2#

in that moment i was use game form 2004 year its Unreal Tournament 2004.. with medium setings seteup on game graph setings.. with turned off Overclocking on my ATI card where ican overdrive CPU and ATI chipset + graphic card...everything was turnedOFF..
i even turned off some services what are damn usless in my win7 ultimate.
all my pc starting on 49 processes..i cut most stufff down ..everything is fine with PC after that reading..i not smell and weird burned smells or somthing..everytihng is coool...
im not sure what made that 80 C temperature on one core..
its AMD fx -4100 x4
i dont have any prolblems with CPU or GPU..
Edit :
i just remind something... reason what make me check HWiNFO monitoring and off the game was ..extreamly lags in game..i was pick extream lags on server i turnedoff game and i was check temperatures status.. and i saw 80 C ..
will be cool to have in HWiNFO some stuff aboteu network status.. not sure exactly what ,,oor maybe some window or tab with procceses what make high changes in temperature ..i need put my thoughts together aboute this and il lbeack later with this thing
edit 2 :
one sensable explenation what i have aboute 80 C on core 2# its system ,,maybe he redairect all usage and he focus it or put only for one core..but this sounds litte lstiupid :/