I would like to close HWiNFO64 from command line, are there any commands like:
HWiNFO64.EXE -shutdown
to close (not to kill process like using: taskkill /IM HWiNFO64.EXE /T /F).
I have created some profiles in batch file, which runs lots of applications. I would like to have one profile, where I will close all those applications with one command, but I need something like Steam has got -shutdown. I don't want to force kill process of all applications, closing will be more gentle option.
Any chance to have similar command to close HWiNFO64 from command line?
You can kill HWiNFO if you wish, there's no need for a graceful termination. There are no settings/data lost, only if you would change settings and not press OK, or have the CSV logging running.
You can kill HWiNFO if you wish, there's no need for a graceful termination. There are no settings/data lost, only if you would change settings and not press OK, or have the CSV logging running.