Active Member
Martin said:So you mean that MSI AB and the OSD first appear in the task bar, but later disappear ?
No he don't ap‑pear in tray icons, but the pro‑cess are in "Task Manager" from the start, im‑mediately after the log‑in to desk‑top...
Martin said:Or they don't appear at all no matter how long you wait?
They don't ap‑pear as an tray icon but the pro‑cess (MSIAfterburner.exe & RTSS.exe) are in task manager... I wait until all others pro‑cess are in tray icon (Ccleaner, Steam, Avast, NetLimiter, malwarebyte anti‑exploit, Intel rapid storage techno‑logy).
Martin said:On the OSD you don't even get the values MSI AB/OSD own values, so nothing shows up there ?
I don't see any value (from HWiNFO or AB), be‑cause RTSS look like not started, even if the pro‑cess is in "Task Manager"... But AB & RivaTuner Statistics Server are not in icon tray... I have to close them in Task manager then launch MSI AB again, sometime I can't close RTSS.exe in Task manager, look like the pro‑cess is locked.
If I wait to launch HWiNFO after auto‑start, by not clicking "Run" in the welcome page (that I asked to ap‑pear in the start of the tool, by using "Show Wel‑come Screen & Pro‑gress"), then the pro‑cess AB & Riva launch them self normally...