HWINFO64 suddenly no CPU Temperature


Active Member
Hi, yester‑day I re‑ceived a new Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 3GHz OEM, that I putted in my Asus P5K‑E/Wifi‑AP last BIOS 1305, to re‑place my Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3GHz... I in‑stalled my Intel Fan E30307‑001...
I don't over‑clock my hard‑ware.
Today, I begin to play on games to test the new cpu & fan.
To do that I use OSD of MSI Afterburner to have value in games... But for some reason, after launch, I didn't have CPU1 to CPU4 Temperature any‑more, just CPU1 to CPU4 Usage... I writed to Guru3D to ask why... He ex‑plain me that some CPU are not sup‑ported...
I de‑cided to use HWINFO64 (Sensor) to add CPU Temperature, Total CPU Usage & CPU FAN RPM to my OSD in game, also I used Asus PC Probe 2 to alert me in case of over‑heating over 71°C which is the Tcase Max...
So I played with Ghost Recon Phantoms, in game, I have 61°C with 70% CPU usage & 2536RPM, if I believe what I read here (E30307-001), the speed of fan should be 2500 ~ 3400RPM...
After some‑time, maybe 1H30 or 2H, suddenly PC Probe 2 had an alert in game... At that time I looked HWINFO64 and it show CPU temperature at 0°C (two second be‑fore it was 61°C) the other in‑formation in OSD were working, after making alt‑tab and back to desktop, I saw that PC Probe 2 showed a temperature of 224°C... I re‑booted to get in BIOS and when I readed the CPU temperature was at 60°C...
Can‑you ex‑plain why HWINFO64 show 0°C and PC Probe 2 (224°C)... What happen ???
Should I not use the two pro‑gram at same time ?
I did not think to check if the temperature of Core # 0 to # 3 was dis‑played in HWINFO64, I don't think it's the mother‑board pro‑blem be‑cause I never had this kind of bug with the E6850...
Can you help please ? What do you think ?
Using both tools together (HWiNFO and ASUS PC Probe) is not a good idea. This is because ASUS doesn't support synchronization mechanisms to allow multiple monitoring tools to run concurrently (most of other tools including HWiNFO do).
So first I suggest to try to run without ASUS PC Probe and see if it happens again. You can setup your own alarms in HWiNFO as well (so no need to use other software).
If the problem persists, I need to know more details - which sensor/value is showing this and best would be also to attach a HWiNFO Debug File with sensor data that captures this situation.
Martin said:
Using both tools together (HWiNFO and ASUS PC Probe) is not a good idea. This is because ASUS doesn't support synchronization mechanisms to allow multiple monitoring tools to run concurrently (most of other tools including HWiNFO do).
So first I suggest to try to run without ASUS PC Probe and see if it happens again.

Ok but if there is a pro-blem with Asus PC Probe II synchronistation mechanisms and HWINFO why it worked good for two hours in games, so do you think that re-port of CPU Temp at 224°C can be caused by utilisation of two monitor soft-ware... Should I worry that suddenly PC Probe 2 show 224°C for the Q9650 ? Is this pro-cessor has a pro-blem ? Never have this issue with E6850 and with my P5K-E mother-board (BIOS 1305)... But I never used PC Probe 2 and HWINFO together before, and didn't used PC Probe 2 with my E6850, but I used MSI Afterburner OSD and I never had more than 55°C in games...

Martin said:
You can setup your own alarms in HWiNFO as well (so no need to use other software).
If the problem persists, I need to know more details - which sensor/value is showing this and best would be also to attach a HWiNFO Debug File with sensor data that captures this situation.

I didn't know that there is alarm in HWINFO64, thanks for that...
The sensor is called CPU in °C under ASUS P5K-E (Winbond/Nuvoton W83627DHG), I add an image attachment of the sensor... Next time it happen I make a screen-shot... Also there is two CPU one for temp & one for FAN, maybe you should rename one to CPU FAN (maybe the name is set by chipset of the mother-board)...
How do I get the HWiNFO Debug File with sensor data captures this situation ???
Thanks for help !

PS: Can we set some-how HWinfo to launch at windows start, I can't find this option in sensor ?

Suggestion : When we add in OSD two or mores in-formations (in Show value in OSD without "Show Label in OSD"), in the same line (in Position), the different in-formation use ":" between them, can you re-place them by "," and add ":" only when using "Show Label in OSD"...
Example :

  • "57%, 53°C, 2553 RPM" instead of
  • "57%: 53°C: 2553 RPM", like that it look like the OSD in-formation in MSI Afterburner...
Also when I use for example "Show Label in OSD" for "CPU" (temperature) with position line "1", column "1", "CPU" (FAN) with position line "1", column "3" (without "Show Label in OSD") and add "Total CPU Usage" line "1", column "2" with "Show Label in OSD", the name "Total CPU Usage" label is before "CPU" label, but the value of "Total CPU Usage" is at position column 2 ; like this :

  • "Total CPU Usage, CPU: 43°C: 13%: 2177 RPM", where it should be
  • "CPU: 43°C, Total CPU Usage: 13%, 2177 RPM",
I think this bug is caused because "Show Label in OSD" use position of the "Configure Sensors" \ "layout" of the main HWINFO64 Sensor Windows...


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Martin said:
The 224 °C was definitively a wrong readout. A collision between both tools can happen occasionally, it can take a while. But it depends..
So I should not worry about my new Q9650, is not a faulty pro-cessor (with bad D.T.S) ?

Martin said:
Ok I setted the De-bug mode, but what do you mean by scan process ? It's monitoring or what ?
How do I make HWiNFO32/64 Report File (HTM, TXT or MHTML) ? It's not ex-plained in that page... Also where is located the re-port ? You ex-plain for the de-bug file but not for re-port file...

I played two hours in Counter-Strike Global Offensive, and I didn't have that bug of 0°C in OSD... I need to test more time and with Ghost Recon Phantoms...
I think that your CPU is OK, the issue was rather a wrong readout.
There's no need to create a DBG file unless the problem occurs.
If you're running in Sensor-only mode, then it's not possible to create the report file. That file is available from the menu of the main application window (which is not present in Sensor-only mode).
What do you think about my sug‑gestion for OSD ?

Also I think you should add to setting a button "set to de‑fault" to re‑put back de‑fault setting...
I'll see what I can do about those OSD suggestion.
There's already a "Reset Preferences" button in Settings ;)

EDIT: I have tried to reproduce your first issue with OSD (the ":" separator), but I always get it correct with ",".
Martin said:
There's already a "Reset Preferences" button in Settings ;)
Yes, I know but this button "reset preference" reset custom setting of HWINFO64, I'm talking about a button to set to "default" the value of "General / User Interface" in "Setting"...

Martin said:
EDIT: I have tried to reproduce your first issue with OSD (the ":" separator), but I always get it correct with ",".
Ok, I put a JPG file and you can see the line "CPU___:" it's ":" and not ",".
I edited the "CPU:" (temperature) with "Custom" "Label" "Current" to have three space in "CPU___:" to have same positioning than the in‑formations of MSI Afterburner ("GPU___:", "MEM___:", "D3D9___:" or "D3D11__:", "RAM___:")...


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Nemzag said:
Yes, I know but this button reset preference, reset custom setting of HWINFO64, I'm talking about a button to set to "default" the value of "General / User Interface" in "Setting"...

The other settings can be reset by replacing the INI file from the original package. I understand that this might not be user-friendly, but at least it's currently possible ;)

Nemzag said:
Yes, I know but this button reset preference, reset custom setting of HWINFO64, I'm talking about a button to set to "default" the value of "General / User Interface" in "Setting"...

Ok, I put a JPG file and you can see the line "CPU   :" it's ":" and not ",".
I edited the "CPU:" with "Custom" "Label" "Current" to have the three space "CPU   :" to have same positioning with the in‑formations of MSI Afterburner (GPU, MEM, D3D9, RAM)...

Hm, that's interesting.. Please attach screenshots showing how you configured those entries for OSD.
Martin said:
Hm, that's interesting.. Please attach screenshots showing how you configured those entries for OSD.
I re‑moved in "Con‑figure Sensors" "Custom" the Decimal Digit for CPU (temperature) and Total CPU Usage... And I re‑named with "Custom" "Label" "Current" the "CPU" (temperature in °C) to "CPU___" and putted it line 1 column 1, I putted "CPU" (Fan in RPM) at line 1 column 3, and I putted "Total CPU Usage" at line 1 column 2.


  • HWINFO64 CPU (Temperature).JPG
    HWINFO64 CPU (Temperature).JPG
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    HWINFO64 Total CPU Usage.JPG
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  • HWINFO64 CPU (Fan).JPG
    HWINFO64 CPU (Fan).JPG
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Martin said:
Thanks, I can see it now. I'll fix this in the next build ;)
Don't forget to re-name the second CPU to CPU Fan... Be‑cause now we have two CPU (one temperature, one fan), I have a question why "CPU: °C" (in HWINFO64) is called "CPUTIN" (in HWMonitor) and why the other "CPU: RPM" is called "CPUFANIN0", the name in HWINFO64 or in HWMonitor is set by the chip‑set of mother‑board or it's just pro‑grammed like that ? Thanks for your feed-back...
Martin said:
Thanks, I can see it now. I'll fix this in the next build ;)

Don't forget to re-name the second CPU to CPU Fan... Be‑cause now we have two CPU (one temperature, one fan)...
I have a question why "CPU: °C" (in HWINFO64) is called "CPUTIN" (in HWMonitor) and why the other "CPU: RPM" (in HWINFO64) is called "CPUFANIN0" (in HWMonitor), the name in HWINFO64 or in HWMonitor is set by the chip‑set of mother‑board or it's just pro‑grammed like that ?

I have an other question... Why HWINFO64 is not showing some in‑fo that I have in HWMonitor, like VIN1 & VIN5. Why HWINFO64 is showing VIN4 and not HWMonitor, what is that ?
In HWINFO64, VIN6 has double value of the HWMonitor one, HWMonitor show only one system fan (I don't believe very much the sensors of HWMonitor be‑cause it show some value under the real one like 12V at 9V, that HWINFO64 show cor‑rectly).
What is VBAT & 3VSB ?
What is "Auxilary" (temperature), "AUXTIN" in HWMonitor, why it show 125°C ? Is this normal, I read that lot of peoples on Inter‑net have pro‑blem with this one, having very high & un‑realistic re‑cord...

Sug‑gestion :

  • I think you should add for main "Sensor Status" page some de‑scription in‑formation, when we click in one line of the re‑sult in "Sensor (Current, Minimum, Maximum, Average)" like VIN4, VIN6, VBAT...
  • I think you should add in HWINFO64 in "Sensor Status" \ "CPU [#0]: ??? ????: DTS" \ "distance to TJ Max" for each cores (PECI value), like in "Real Temp".
In my "Sensor Status" the "Core #0 to #3" "Thermal Throttling" is set to "No", it's normal ? I think Intel Core 2 sup‑port that feature ?

When using HWINFO64 (Sensor mode) with "Intel Pro‑cessor Dia‑gnostic Tool 64" (full load test), the sensor of HWINFO64 freeze no more in‑formation for temperature and fan speed... I checked in Windows 7 64 "Task Manager" and the pro‑cess HWINFO64.EXE, is set to "Below normal" in "Set priority"... Is that normal ??? I can't change the priority is locked, I need to re‑launch the pro‑gram manually as an ad‑ministrator to have "normal" set in "Set priority" of the "Task Manager".
With the setting "Below normal" (standard Auto‑Start) when the CPU is at full load (in games for ex‑ample), HWINFO64 will stop working... Can you cor‑rect that...

Thanks for your feed-back...


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That's because HWMonitor seems to return only general sensor information, while HWiNFO has adjusted the values for your mainboard. As you can see HWiNFO properly reports values like +5V, +12V, etc. (unlike HWM).

When "Thermal Throttling" is reporting "No" it means that the throttling is not engaged, so everything is OK.

I think the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool doesn't support running it along with other monitoring tools, so I don't recommend to run it with HWiNFO. You'll probably see similar problem when running along with other tools.

When you run HWiNFO normally (not via auto-start), is the priority "Below normal" too?
Martin said:
That's because HWMonitor seems to return only general sensor information, while HWiNFO has adjusted the values for your mainboard. As you can see HWiNFO properly reports values like +5V, +12V, etc. (unlike HWM).

And what about temperature of "Auxilary" (in HWINFO), "AUXTIN" (in HWMonitor) showing 124°C ??? Is that normal...
Why some info are given by HWINFO64 (like VIN4, VBAT & 3VSB) and other by HWMonitor (VIN1 & VIN5), can't we have them all in HWINFO64...

Martin said:
When "Thermal Throttling" is reporting "No" it means that the throttling is not engaged, so everything is OK.

Cool so my CPU sup‑port Thermal Throttling ? I think, you should add a line a "Sensor Status" like "CPU Support Thermal Throttling : yes / no" to know if the CPU have this feature... I checked in main menu of HWINFO64 in "Central Processor(s)" but I didn't find this information, I just see "thermal monitor 2 : pre‑sent"...

Martin said:
I think the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool doesn't support running it along with other monitoring tools, so I don't recommend to run it with HWiNFO. You'll probably see similar problem when running along with other tools.

Yes, I tried with PC Probe 2 and he locked / freeze to, had to re‑launch as a ad‑ministrator to have "Set priority" "normal" in "Task Manager"... HWMonitor don't lock / freeze with I.P.D.T.64...

Martin said:
When you run HWiNFO normally (not via auto-start), is the priority "Below normal" too?

No, when I launch it "Set priority" is "normal"...

What do you think about Sug‑gestion :

  • I think you should add for main "Sensor Status" page some de‑scription in‑formation, when we click in one line of the re‑sult in "Sensor (Current, Minimum, Maximum, Average)" like VIN4, VIN6, VBAT...
  • I think you should add in HWINFO64 in "Sensor Status" \ "CPU [#0]: ??? ????: DTS" \ "distance to TJ Max" for each cores (PECI value), like in "Real Temp".
Can you ex‑plain me why : "CPU: °C" (in HWINFO64) is called "CPUTIN" (in HWMonitor) and why the other "CPU: RPM" (in HWINFO64) is called "CPUFANIN0" (in HWMonitor), the name in HWINFO64 or in HWMonitor is set by the chip‑set of mother‑board or it's just pro‑grammed like that ?

Thanks for your feed‑back, re‑sponse & sup‑port...
Auxilary/AUXTIN is probably a not connected sensor and should be ignored.
The voltage values are the same inputs, in case of HWiNFO they are just adjusted properly, so for example VIN1 in HWM is in fact +12V (* constant). The same applies to temperatures like CPUTIN which is a general sensor input that's on your mainboard used to measure CPU temperature.
I'll consider adding distance to Tj,max; that might be a useful feature.
So if I get "Core #0 to #3" "Thermal Throttling" set to "No" in "Sensor Status", it means that this feature is sup‑ported ?

How can I know if the PECI is sup‑ported or activated with HWINFO64 ?
(Before the PECI option was in P5K-E BIOS in "CPU CON‑FIGURATION" but with last 1305 BIOS is not there any‑more, I wonder if it is still sup‑ported)

Don't forget the OSD ":" pro‑blem in‑stead of ","... And the "Set priority" "Below normal" of "Auto‑Start" to "Normal"...

I played today some hour and I don't have the bug of showing the CPU temperature at 0°C... I think you right, it was a col‑lision from the two monitors tool...

Thanks man for your help and for your very well done pro‑gram... I will con‑sider to make a donation to you...
If "Thermal Throttling" is present in sensors it means it's supported and a value of "No" means what I described earlier. The presence of "Thermal Throttling" feature can be determined in HWiNFO - main window under CPU/features "Automatic Clock Control".
PECI is not detected by HWiNFO - it's an internal interface that's not directly available to the host.
I'm not sure yet why the priority is set to "Below normal", could be set by the Windows Task Scheduler, since in auto-start mode HWiNFO is started using it. You might check in the Windows Task Scheduler settings of the HWiNFO task.
No, I can't find "Thermal Throttling" under "Automatic Clock Control"... I don't know why... I put a picture...

I checked at "Windows Task Scheduler" and there is no option to "Set priority" and no in‑formation about "Below normal"... I put a picture to...


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