Idea for possible feature


I would first like to say what a superb program this is. They is just one Feature missing for me and sorry if this has been asked before. Is it possible you guys are thinking about adding an average reading? So like Min, Max and average and plus current reading.

For this it help alot when trying to read the CPU load, if Max says 98% you dont really know if that was a jump to or the load is stay around that %age.

Thanks again for this great program :D
Sounds like a reasonable feature.
The question is, how should be the average value calculated - from beginning of monitoring, or across a certain time interval only ?
Martin said:
Sounds like a reasonable feature.
The question is, how should be the average value calculated - from beginning of monitoring, or across a certain time interval only ?

I would say from beginning of monitoring. So when program is first open it reads min/max and then gives you an average for each hardware :)

CPU load and GPU load this will come in handy.

Thanks for reply.
OK, I'll implement that. The next week I'm planning to release a new version, but this feature will most probably not make it there. If not, then in the next beta release...
Martin said:
OK, I'll implement that. The next week I'm planning to release a new version, but this feature will most probably not make it there. If not, then in the next beta release...

Thanks alot :D
I managed to implement reporting of average values sooner than I previously thought, so it will be available in the next version to be released next week ;)
Martin said:
I managed to implement reporting of average values sooner than I previously thought, so it will be available in the next version to be released next week ;)

Wow you got Skills :) Thanks alot for this.
Sorry, but I don't understand why would such a feature be needed.
The executable file name should not change.