Is it normal for audio to stutter when starting Hwinfo?


New Member
When I start the program up and select sensors only, I get a sound stutter when things are loading. It is the same kind of audio when a blue screen happens. I'm on 7.20. Probably sounds stupid to ask this question, but I'm paranoid and anxious.
Such stutter might happen if some hardware interfaces are accessed directly and/or at higher priority. If this happens only at startup and not constantly during runtime then it's OK.
Nope, I do not.
That's rare to see these days, as it appears every vendor is using A-volute and Nahamic. What Martin's said makes complete sense, and you could use LatencyMon to watch as HWiNFO starts in sensor-only view. And by sound, I'm assuming you have music playing?
That's rare to see these days, as it appears every vendor is using A-volute and Nahamic. What Martin's said makes complete sense, and you could use LatencyMon to watch as HWiNFO starts in sensor-only view. And by sound, I'm assuming you have music playing?
Yeah, when I have music playing. I didn't think to check LatencyMon while loading up hwinfo