Legally purchased key for Pro Personal License not recognized.


New Member
Running HWiNFO64 v7.30-4870. Purchased a HWiNFO64 Pro Personal license. I followed the instructions to activate the Pro license of HWiNFO64 as shown in the attached .pdf files. I copied the HWiNFO64_KEY.txt file and pasted it into the HWiNFO64 folder where files HWiNFO64.exe, unins000.dat, unins000.exe, HWiNFO64.ini, HWiNFO64_settings.reg, and HWiNFO64.exe shortcut, were installed in F:\XXXXXX\PROGRAM FILES xxxx\HWiNFO64\. I also have complete copies in 2 other locations in F: drive, as internal backup of critical folders, plus external copies as well. I restarted the desktop PC - my build. I still get a notice that the license key is invalid, and if purchased legally, I should contact Support. For what little a Pro Personal license costs, I would purchase again, but do I have to? HWiNFO64 free has for many years, been installed in F: drive.
Such message would be displayed if the key file would be tampered with. Please send me the key file you used via a Private Message or e-mail (don't attach it to this post) and I will check it.
I have removed the attachments you posted to protect your personal information - this is a public forum so anyone could see the files you attached.
All is well now.
I deleted the HWiNFO64_KEY.txt file that I had previously copied into the HWiNFO64 installation folder. Several lines below where the Key characters ended, I had typed a brief footnote. I carefully had stayed well clear, of the license key text. Subsequently, I removed that footnote. From the REALiX email I had received, confirming my payment for a Pro Personal License, I copied and pasted into the HWiNFO64 Installation folder, the HWiNFO64_KEY.txt file.
It's the next day. HWiNFO64 Pro is stable. All is well. Thank you Martin.