I have a chia farm using 19 external USB Harddisks. To prevent them from going to sleep or spinning down use HWINFO with SMART Polling activated every 20000 ms.
Now since about a week, no idea what exactly changed, HWINFO out of a sudden stopped to poll the disks regularly. I have no clue what is wrong. Without regularly keeping the discs up and spinning I have issues to run the farm.
Restarting HWINFO does not help. Restarting the Computer does for a certain time, then issue appears again.
What is the problem? why out of a sudden? My setup run without issues since month like this? ( i can see the polling usually when it is working from the regularly blinking LEDs from all the Harddisks at the same time.. Since the blinking stopped my disks spindles are somehow slowing down, which causes delays in reading out the chia plots on time.
HWINFO Version 7.20-4700 (together with Rainmeter and Gadgets (Devart)
How can I find out whats the culprit?
Thank you for any help!
I have a chia farm using 19 external USB Harddisks. To prevent them from going to sleep or spinning down use HWINFO with SMART Polling activated every 20000 ms.
Now since about a week, no idea what exactly changed, HWINFO out of a sudden stopped to poll the disks regularly. I have no clue what is wrong. Without regularly keeping the discs up and spinning I have issues to run the farm.
Restarting HWINFO does not help. Restarting the Computer does for a certain time, then issue appears again.
What is the problem? why out of a sudden? My setup run without issues since month like this? ( i can see the polling usually when it is working from the regularly blinking LEDs from all the Harddisks at the same time.. Since the blinking stopped my disks spindles are somehow slowing down, which causes delays in reading out the chia plots on time.
HWINFO Version 7.20-4700 (together with Rainmeter and Gadgets (Devart)
How can I find out whats the culprit?
Thank you for any help!