New Member
nepamatuju si presne kdy, ale cca 1-2 updaty zpet prestal OS (W11) zobrazovat 2 ikony v system tray. Je tam vzdy pouze jedna, druha je "hidden" i pokud je ve Win nastaveny, ze maj zobrazovat obe dve ikony. Jedno je CPU a druhy GPU.
Nic strasnyho, ale je to otravny.
Zkousel jsem vypnout / zapnout ikony, ktere maji zustat v system tray atp., ale nepomohlo.
I don't remember exactly when, but about 1-2 updates ago the OS stopped displaying the 2 icons in the system tray. There is always only one, the other is "hidden" even if Win is set to show both icons. One is CPU and the other GPU.
Nothing terrible, but it's annoying.
I've tried turning off/on the icons that are supposed to stay in the system tray etc, but it didn't help.
nepamatuju si presne kdy, ale cca 1-2 updaty zpet prestal OS (W11) zobrazovat 2 ikony v system tray. Je tam vzdy pouze jedna, druha je "hidden" i pokud je ve Win nastaveny, ze maj zobrazovat obe dve ikony. Jedno je CPU a druhy GPU.
Nic strasnyho, ale je to otravny.
Zkousel jsem vypnout / zapnout ikony, ktere maji zustat v system tray atp., ale nepomohlo.
I don't remember exactly when, but about 1-2 updates ago the OS stopped displaying the 2 icons in the system tray. There is always only one, the other is "hidden" even if Win is set to show both icons. One is CPU and the other GPU.
Nothing terrible, but it's annoying.
I've tried turning off/on the icons that are supposed to stay in the system tray etc, but it didn't help.