On the readout on the Hard Drive, I see things like, ( S.M.A.R.T. ) and under that the results are for example: Raw read error rate...100/16, worst; 100. Can anybody clue me in on what that means?
The first value (100) is the actual value of the parameter, second (16) is the minimum threshold which when crossed (below) means a failure. And the last value (100) is the worst value of the parameter during lifetime.
The first value (100) is the actual value of the parameter, second (16) is the minimum threshold which when crossed (below) means a failure. And the last value (100) is the worst value of the parameter during lifetime.
Okay so if 16 would mean failure why is 100 the worst ? and the actual value is 100 ? So does 100 mean failure as well and if so is my drive on the outs?
No, it means that this parameter is OK and never experienced a problem. It was always 100 and never reached a low value (worst 100).
It the value would go below 16 it would be a failure.
No, it means that this parameter is OK and never experienced a problem. It was always 100 and never reached a low value (worst 100).
It the value would go below 16 it would be a failure.
Ha..Thanks Martin for your time. Guess I just don't have the brains for it. It's hard for me to wrap my head around.
2nd thought ..." It was always 100 and never reached a low value (worst 100).".....That is a contradictive statement in my mind. If 100 is the worst and the actual is 100 and 16 meaning failure, then it seems to me that both directions, 100 and 16 respective, should mean failure. I don't get it.
Imagine it like a value as percentage. The parameter reports 100% health and the worst value ever was 100% as well. If it would go down to 16% then it would be a failure.
Imagine it like a value as percentage. The parameter reports 100% health and the worst value ever was 100% as well. If it would go down to 16% then it would be a failure.